/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


MAFIA_MIN_PLAYER_COUNTThe amount of players required to start a Mafia game
MAFIA_MAX_PLAYER_COUNThow many people can play mafia without issues (running out of spawns, procs not expecting more than this amount of people, etc)
FIRST_DAY_PERIOD_LENGTHThe time spent during the first day, which is shorter due to not having a voting period.
DAY_PERIOD_LENGTHThe length of a Day period
VOTING_PERIOD_LENGTHThe length of a Voting period, when people decide who they want to put up for hanging that day.
JUDGEMENT_PERIOD_LENGTHThe length of the judgment period, where people vote on whether to lynch the person they voted up.
LYNCH_PERIOD_LENGTHThe length of the lynch period, if the judged person is deemed guilty and is sentenced to death.
NIGHT_PERIOD_LENGTHThe length of the night period where people can do their night abilities and speak with their mafia team.
VICTORY_LAP_PERIOD_LENGTHThe length of the roundend report, where people can look over the round and the details.
MAFIA_NOTE_SENDING_COOLDOWNThe cooldown between being able to send your notes in chat.
MAFIA_SPEEDUP_INCREASEHow fast the game will speed up when half the players are gone.
TOWN_OVERFLOWAdd this if you don't want a role to be a choice in the selection
TOWN_INVESTroles that learn info about others in the game (chaplain, detective, psych)
TOWN_PROTECTroles that keep other roles safe (doctor, sec officer, and weirdly enough lawyer counts)
TOWN_KILLINGroles that are only there to kill bad guys.
TOWN_SUPPORTroles that don't fit into anything else (hop)
MAFIA_REGULARnormal vote kill changelings
MAFIA_SPECIALevery other changeling role that has extra abilities
NEUTRAL_KILLrole that wins solo that nobody likes
NEUTRAL_DISRUPTrole that upsets the game aka obsessed, usually worse for town than mafia but they can vote against mafia
ROLE_UNDETECTABLEto all forms of detection, shows themselves as an assistant.
ROLE_CAN_KILLhas the ability to theoretically kill someone singlehandedly, blocks their team from losing against another teams.
ROLE_UNIQUEcan only be one in a randomly generated game
ROLE_REVEALEDrole is public to all other players in the game.
ROLE_VULNERABLEcan not be defended, protected, or any other form of protection. all kills succeed no matter what.
ROLE_ROLEBLOCKEDcannot perform any actions that night, preselected actions fail
CAN_USE_ON_OTHERSFlag that decides whether the Mafia ability can be used on other people.
CAN_USE_ON_SELFFlag that decides whether the Mafia ability can be used on themselves.
CAN_USE_ON_DEADFlag that decides whether the Mafia ability can be used on dead players.
COMSIG_MAFIA_SUNDOWNSends all signals that must go immediately as night starts.
COMSIG_MAFIA_NIGHT_PRE_ACTION_PHASESends all signals that must go first, aka roleblocks.
COMSIG_MAFIA_NIGHT_ACTION_PHASESends the signal that all regular actions must go, such as
COMSIG_MAFIA_NIGHT_KILL_PHASEnow killing happens from the roles that do that. the reason this is post action phase is to ensure doctors can protect and lawyers can block
COMSIG_MAFIA_NIGHT_ENDnow clearing refs to prepare for the next day. Do not do any actions here, it's just for ref clearing.
COMSIG_MAFIA_GAME_STARTsignal sent to roles when the game is confirmed starting
COMSIG_MAFIA_GAME_ENDsignal sent to roles when the game is confirmed ending

Define Details


Flag that decides whether the Mafia ability can be used on dead players.


Flag that decides whether the Mafia ability can be used on other people.


Flag that decides whether the Mafia ability can be used on themselves.


signal sent to roles when the game is confirmed ending


signal sent to roles when the game is confirmed starting


Sends the signal that all regular actions must go, such as


now clearing refs to prepare for the next day. Do not do any actions here, it's just for ref clearing.


now killing happens from the roles that do that. the reason this is post action phase is to ensure doctors can protect and lawyers can block


Sends all signals that must go first, aka roleblocks.


Sends all signals that must go immediately as night starts.


The length of a Day period


The time spent during the first day, which is shorter due to not having a voting period.


The length of the judgment period, where people vote on whether to lynch the person they voted up.


The length of the lynch period, if the judged person is deemed guilty and is sentenced to death.


how many people can play mafia without issues (running out of spawns, procs not expecting more than this amount of people, etc)


The amount of players required to start a Mafia game


The cooldown between being able to send your notes in chat.


normal vote kill changelings


every other changeling role that has extra abilities


How fast the game will speed up when half the players are gone.


role that upsets the game aka obsessed, usually worse for town than mafia but they can vote against mafia


role that wins solo that nobody likes


The length of the night period where people can do their night abilities and speak with their mafia team.


has the ability to theoretically kill someone singlehandedly, blocks their team from losing against another teams.


role is public to all other players in the game.


cannot perform any actions that night, preselected actions fail


to all forms of detection, shows themselves as an assistant.


can only be one in a randomly generated game


can not be defended, protected, or any other form of protection. all kills succeed no matter what.


roles that learn info about others in the game (chaplain, detective, psych)


roles that are only there to kill bad guys.


Add this if you don't want a role to be a choice in the selection


roles that keep other roles safe (doctor, sec officer, and weirdly enough lawyer counts)


roles that don't fit into anything else (hop)


The length of the roundend report, where people can look over the round and the details.


The length of a Voting period, when people decide who they want to put up for hanging that day.