/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


WATER_TO_WET_STACKS_FACTOR_TOUCHHow many wet stacks you get per units of water when it's applied by touch.
WATER_TO_WET_STACKS_FACTOR_VAPORHow many wet stacks you get per unit of water when it's applied by vapor. Much less effective than by touch, of course.
/datum/reagent/lubeUsed for clownery
/datum/reagent/lube/superlubeStronger kind of lube. Applies TURF_WET_SUPERLUBE.
CYCLES_TO_TURNthe current_cycle threshold / iterations needed before one can transform
CYCLES_MSG_IMMEDIATEthe cycle at which 'immediate' mutation text begins displaying
CYCLES_MSG_EXTENDEDthe cycle at which 'extended' mutation text begins displaying
/datum/reagent/colorful_reagent/powderColorful Powder
/datum/reagent/plantnutrimentHydroponics stuff
/datum/reagent/yuckImprovised reagent that induces vomiting. Created by dipping a dead mouse in welder fluid.

The current_cycle when puking starts.

Define Details


the cycle at which 'extended' mutation text begins displaying


the cycle at which 'immediate' mutation text begins displaying


the current_cycle threshold / iterations needed before one can transform


How many wet stacks you get per units of water when it's applied by touch.


How many wet stacks you get per unit of water when it's applied by vapor. Much less effective than by touch, of course.