ALL_CARDINALS | All the cardinal direction bitflags. |
DF_STATIC_OBJECT | Placed on datums that have a static, constant reference. Primarily only used for turfs. |
ATMOS_IS_PROCESSING_1 | Is this object currently processing in the atmos object list? |
ON_BORDER_1 | item has priority to check when entering or leaving |
NO_SCREENTIPS_1 | Whether or not this atom shows screentips when hovered over |
PREVENT_CLICK_UNDER_1 | Prevent clicking things below it on the same turf eg. doors/ fulltile windows |
HOLOGRAM_1 | specifies that this atom is a hologram that isn't real |
INITIALIZED_1 | Whether /atom/Initialize() has already run for the object |
ADMIN_SPAWNED_1 | was this spawned by an admin? used for stat tracking stuff. |
PREVENT_CONTENTS_EXPLOSION_1 | should not get harmed if this gets caught by an explosion? |
ALLOW_DARK_PAINTS_1 | Should this object be paintable with very dark colors? |
UNPAINTABLE_1 | Should this object be unpaintable? |
IS_ONTOP_1 | Is this atom on top of another atom, and as such has click priority? |
SUPERMATTER_IGNORES_1 | Is this atom immune to being dusted by the supermatter? |
CAN_BE_DIRTY_1 | If a turf can be made dirty at roundstart. This is also used in areas. |
HTML_USE_INITAL_ICON_1 | Should we use the initial icon for display? Mostly used by overlay only objects |
IS_PLAYER_COLORABLE_1 | Can players recolor this in-game via vendors (and maybe more if support is added)? |
HAS_CONTEXTUAL_SCREENTIPS_1 | Whether or not this atom has contextual screentips when hovered OVER |
HAS_DISASSOCIATED_STORAGE_1 | Whether or not this atom is storing contents for a disassociated storage object |
DECAL_INIT_UPDATE_EXPERIENCED_1 | If this atom has experienced a decal element "init finished" sourced appearance update We use this to ensure stacked decals don't double up appearance updates for no reason Flag as an optimization, don't make this a trait without profiling Yes I know this is a stupid flag, no you can't take him from me |
IGNORE_TURF_PIXEL_OFFSET_1 | This atom always returns its turf in get_turf_pixel instead of the turf from its offsets |
UPDATE_NAME | Update the atom's name |
UPDATE_DESC | Update the atom's desc |
UPDATE_ICON_STATE | Update the atom's icon state |
UPDATE_OVERLAYS | Update the atom's overlays |
UPDATE_GREYSCALE | Update the atom's greyscaling |
UPDATE_SMOOTHING | Update the atom's smoothing. (More accurately, queue it for an update) |
UPDATE_ICON | Update the atom's icon |
RICOCHET_SHINY | If the thing can reflect light (lasers/energy) |
RICOCHET_HARD | If the thing can reflect matter (bullets/bomb shrapnel) |
NOJAUNT | If a turf can't be jaunted through. |
UNUSED_RESERVATION_TURF | If a turf is an unused reservation turf awaiting assignment |
RESERVATION_TURF | If a turf is a reserved turf |
NO_LAVA_GEN | Blocks lava rivers being generated on the turf. |
NO_RUINS | Blocks ruins spawning on the turf. |
NO_RUST | Blocks this turf from being rusted |
IS_SOLID | Is this turf is "solid". Space and lava aren't for instance |
NO_CLEARING | This turf will never be cleared away by other objects on Initialize. |
TURF_BLOCKS_POPULATE_TERRAIN_FLORAFEATURES | This atom is a pseudo-floor that blocks map generation's checkPlaceAtom() from placing things like trees ontop of it. |
VALID_TERRITORY | /////////////Area flags\\\\\\\ If it's a valid territory for cult summoning or the CRAB-17 phone to spawn |
BLOBS_ALLOWED | If blobs can spawn there and if it counts towards their score. |
CAVES_ALLOWED | If mining tunnel generation is allowed in this area |
FLORA_ALLOWED | If flora are allowed to spawn in this area randomly through tunnel generation |
MOB_SPAWN_ALLOWED | If mobs can be spawned by natural random generation |
MEGAFAUNA_SPAWN_ALLOWED | If megafauna can be spawned by natural random generation |
NOTELEPORT | Are you forbidden from teleporting to the area? (centcom, mobs, wizard, hand teleporter) |
HIDDEN_AREA | Hides area from player Teleport function. |
UNIQUE_AREA | If false, loading multiple maps with this area type will create multiple instances. |
BLOCK_SUICIDE | If people are allowed to suicide in it. Mostly for OOC stuff like minigames |
XENOBIOLOGY_COMPATIBLE | If set, this area will be innately traversable by Xenobiology camera consoles. |
CULT_PERMITTED | If blood cultists can draw runes or build structures on this AREA. |
PERSISTENT_ENGRAVINGS | If engravings are persistent in this area |
NO_DEATH_MESSAGE | Mobs that die in this area don't produce a dead chat message |
EVENT_PROTECTED | This area should have extra shielding from certain event effects |
QUIET_LOGS | This Area Doesn't have Flood or Bomb Admin Messages, but will still log |
VIRTUAL_SAFE_AREA | This area does not allow virtual entities to enter. |
BINARY_JAMMING | This area does not allow the Binary channel |
NO_BOH | This area prevents Bag of Holding rifts from being opened. |
UNLIMITED_FISHING | This area prevents fishing from removing unique/limited loot from sources that're also used outside of it. |
NO_GRAVITY | This area is prevented from having gravity (ie. space, nearstation, or outside solars) |
LOCAL_TELEPORT | This area can be teleported in, but -only- to locations within that same area. |
PASSTABLE | Allows you to pass over tables. |
PASSGLASS | Allows you to pass over glass(this generally includes anything see-through that's glass-adjacent, ie. windows, windoors, airlocks with glass, etc.) |
PASSGRILLE | Allows you to pass over grilles. |
PASSBLOB | Allows you to pass over blob tiles. |
PASSMOB | Allows you to pass over mobs. |
PASSCLOSEDTURF | Allows you to pass over closed turfs, ie. walls. |
LETPASSTHROW | Let thrown things past us. ONLY MEANINGFUL ON pass_flags_self! |
PASSMACHINE | Allows you to pass over machinery, ie. vending machines, computers, protolathes, etc. |
PASSSTRUCTURE | Allows you to pass over structures, ie. racks, tables(if you don't already have PASSTABLE), etc. |
PASSFLAPS | Allows you to pass over plastic flaps, often found at cargo or MULE dropoffs. |
PASSDOORS | Allows you to pass over airlocks and mineral doors. |
PASSVEHICLE | Allows you to pass over vehicles, ie. mecha, secways, the pimpin' ride, etc. |
PASSITEM | Allows you to pass over dense items. |
LETPASSCLICKS | Do not intercept click attempts during Adjacent() checks. See [turf/proc/ClickCross]. ONLY MEANINGFUL ON pass_flags_self! |
PASSWINDOW | Allows you to pass over windows and window-adjacent stuff, like windows and windoors. Does not include airlocks with glass in them. |
PHASING | When moving, will Cross() everything, but won't stop or Bump() anything. |
UPSIDE_DOWN | The mob is walking on the ceiling. Or is generally just, upside down. |
MOVETYPES_NOT_TOUCHING_GROUND | Combination flag for movetypes which, for all intents and purposes, mean the mob is not touching the ground |
FIRE_PROOF | 100% immune to fire damage (but not necessarily to lava or heat) |
FLAMMABLE | atom is flammable and can have the burning component |
ON_FIRE | currently burning |
UNACIDABLE | acid can't even appear on it, let alone melt it. |
ACID_PROOF | acid stuck on it doesn't melt it. |
INDESTRUCTIBLE | doesn't take damage |
FREEZE_PROOF | can't be frozen |
SHUTTLE_CRUSH_PROOF | can't be shuttle crushed. |
ZAP_LOW_POWER_GEN | Zaps with this flag will generate less power through tesla coils |
EMP_PROTECT_SELF | EMP will protect itself. |
EMP_PROTECT_CONTENTS | EMP will protect the contents from also being EMPed. |
EMP_PROTECT_WIRES | EMP will protect the wires. |
EMP_PROTECT_ALL | Protects against all EMP types. |
MOBILITY_MOVE | can move |
MOBILITY_STAND | can, and is, standing up |
MOBILITY_PICKUP | can pickup items |
MOBILITY_USE | can hold and use items |
MOBILITY_UI | can use interfaces like machinery |
MOBILITY_STORAGE | can use storage item |
MOBILITY_PULL | can pull things |
MOBILITY_REST | can rest |
MOBILITY_LIEDOWN | can lie down |
MAX_BITFLAG_DIGITS | 33554431 (2^24 - 1) is the maximum value our bitflags can reach. |
IGNORE_USER_LOC_CHANGE | Can do the action even if mob moves location |
IGNORE_TARGET_LOC_CHANGE | Can do the action even if the target moves location |
IGNORE_HELD_ITEM | Can do the action even if the item is no longer being held |
IGNORE_INCAPACITATED | Can do the action even if the mob is incapacitated (ex. handcuffed) |
IGNORE_SLOWDOWNS | Used to prevent important slowdowns from being abused by drugs like kronkaine |
SPACEVINE_HEAT_RESISTANT | Is the spacevine / flower bud heat resistant |
SPACEVINE_COLD_RESISTANT | Is the spacevine / flower bud cold resistant |
EMOTE_AUDIBLE | Is the emote audible |
EMOTE_VISIBLE | Is the emote visible |
EMOTE_IMPORTANT | Is it an emote that should be shown regardless of blindness/deafness |
EMOTE_RUNECHAT | Emote only prints to runechat, not to the chat window |
Define Details
acid stuck on it doesn't melt it.
was this spawned by an admin? used for stat tracking stuff.
Should this object be paintable with very dark colors?
All the cardinal direction bitflags.
Is this object currently processing in the atmos object list?
This area does not allow the Binary channel
If blobs can spawn there and if it counts towards their score.
If people are allowed to suicide in it. Mostly for OOC stuff like minigames
If a turf can be made dirty at roundstart. This is also used in areas.
If mining tunnel generation is allowed in this area
If blood cultists can draw runes or build structures on this AREA.
If this atom has experienced a decal element "init finished" sourced appearance update We use this to ensure stacked decals don't double up appearance updates for no reason Flag as an optimization, don't make this a trait without profiling Yes I know this is a stupid flag, no you can't take him from me
Placed on datums that have a static, constant reference. Primarily only used for turfs.
Is the emote audible
Is it an emote that should be shown regardless of blindness/deafness
Emote only prints to runechat, not to the chat window
Is the emote visible
Protects against all EMP types.
EMP will protect the contents from also being EMPed.
EMP will protect itself.
EMP will protect the wires.
This area should have extra shielding from certain event effects
100% immune to fire damage (but not necessarily to lava or heat)
atom is flammable and can have the burning component
If flora are allowed to spawn in this area randomly through tunnel generation
can't be frozen
Whether or not this atom has contextual screentips when hovered OVER
Whether or not this atom is storing contents for a disassociated storage object
Hides area from player Teleport function.
specifies that this atom is a hologram that isn't real
Should we use the initial icon for display? Mostly used by overlay only objects
Can do the action even if the item is no longer being held
Can do the action even if the mob is incapacitated (ex. handcuffed)
Used to prevent important slowdowns from being abused by drugs like kronkaine
Can do the action even if the target moves location
This atom always returns its turf in get_turf_pixel instead of the turf from its offsets
Can do the action even if mob moves location
doesn't take damage
Whether /atom/Initialize() has already run for the object
Is this atom on top of another atom, and as such has click priority?
Can players recolor this in-game via vendors (and maybe more if support is added)?
Is this turf is "solid". Space and lava aren't for instance
Do not intercept click attempts during Adjacent() checks. See [turf/proc/ClickCross]. ONLY MEANINGFUL ON pass_flags_self!
Let thrown things past us. ONLY MEANINGFUL ON pass_flags_self!
This area can be teleported in, but -only- to locations within that same area.
33554431 (2^24 - 1) is the maximum value our bitflags can reach.
If megafauna can be spawned by natural random generation
can lie down
can move
can pickup items
can pull things
can rest
can, and is, standing up
can use storage item
can use interfaces like machinery
can hold and use items
If mobs can be spawned by natural random generation
Combination flag for movetypes which, for all intents and purposes, mean the mob is not touching the ground
If a turf can't be jaunted through.
Are you forbidden from teleporting to the area? (centcom, mobs, wizard, hand teleporter)
This area prevents Bag of Holding rifts from being opened.
This turf will never be cleared away by other objects on Initialize.
Mobs that die in this area don't produce a dead chat message
This area is prevented from having gravity (ie. space, nearstation, or outside solars)
Blocks lava rivers being generated on the turf.
Blocks ruins spawning on the turf.
Blocks this turf from being rusted
Whether or not this atom shows screentips when hovered over
item has priority to check when entering or leaving
currently burning
Allows you to pass over blob tiles.
Allows you to pass over closed turfs, ie. walls.
Allows you to pass over airlocks and mineral doors.
Allows you to pass over plastic flaps, often found at cargo or MULE dropoffs.
Allows you to pass over glass(this generally includes anything see-through that's glass-adjacent, ie. windows, windoors, airlocks with glass, etc.)
Allows you to pass over grilles.
Allows you to pass over dense items.
Allows you to pass over machinery, ie. vending machines, computers, protolathes, etc.
Allows you to pass over mobs.
Allows you to pass over structures, ie. racks, tables(if you don't already have PASSTABLE), etc.
Allows you to pass over tables.
Allows you to pass over vehicles, ie. mecha, secways, the pimpin' ride, etc.
Allows you to pass over windows and window-adjacent stuff, like windows and windoors. Does not include airlocks with glass in them.
If engravings are persistent in this area
When moving, will Cross() everything, but won't stop or Bump() anything.
Prevent clicking things below it on the same turf eg. doors/ fulltile windows
should not get harmed if this gets caught by an explosion?
This Area Doesn't have Flood or Bomb Admin Messages, but will still log
If a turf is a reserved turf
If the thing can reflect matter (bullets/bomb shrapnel)
If the thing can reflect light (lasers/energy)
can't be shuttle crushed.
Is the spacevine / flower bud cold resistant
Is the spacevine / flower bud heat resistant
Is this atom immune to being dusted by the supermatter?
This atom is a pseudo-floor that blocks map generation's checkPlaceAtom() from placing things like trees ontop of it.
acid can't even appear on it, let alone melt it.
If false, loading multiple maps with this area type will create multiple instances.
This area prevents fishing from removing unique/limited loot from sources that're also used outside of it.
Should this object be unpaintable?
If a turf is an unused reservation turf awaiting assignment
Update the atom's desc
Update the atom's greyscaling
Update the atom's icon
Update the atom's icon state
Update the atom's name
Update the atom's overlays
Update the atom's smoothing. (More accurately, queue it for an update)
The mob is walking on the ceiling. Or is generally just, upside down.
/////////////Area flags\\\\\\\ If it's a valid territory for cult summoning or the CRAB-17 phone to spawn
This area does not allow virtual entities to enter.
If set, this area will be innately traversable by Xenobiology camera consoles.
Zaps with this flag will generate less power through tesla coils