BB_NEXT_HUNGRY | time until we should next eat, set by the generic hunger subtree |
BB_FOOD_TARGET | what we're going to eat next |
BB_AGGRO_RANGE | How close a mob must be for us to select it as a target, if that is less than how far we can maintain it as a target |
BB_CHECK_HUNGRY | are we hungry? determined by the udder component |
BB_BREED_READY | are we ready to breed? |
BB_MAX_CHILDREN | maximum kids we can have |
BB_BASIC_HAPPINESS | our current happiness level |
BB_BASIC_MOB_HEALER | can this mob heal? |
BB_OWNER_TARGET | the owner we will try to play with |
BB_INTERACTIONS_WITH_OWNER | the list of interactions we can have with the owner |
BB_TARGET_PRIORITY_TRAIT | The trait checked by ai_behavior/find_potential_targets/prioritize_trait to return a target with a trait over the rest. |
BB_EMOTE_KEY | Store a single or list of emotes at this key |
BB_EMOTE_CHANCE | Chance to perform an emote per second |
BB_REINFORCEMENTS_SAY | Something the mob will say when calling reinforcements |
BB_REINFORCEMENTS_EMOTE | Something the mob will remote when calling reinforcements |
BB_TRAVEL_DESTINATION | Turf we want a mob to move to |
BB_SONG_INSTRUMENT | song instrument blackboard, set by instrument subtrees |
BB_SONG_LINES | song lines blackboard, set by default on controllers |
BB_BANE_BATMAN | bane ai used by example script |
BB_CURRENT_HUNTING_TARGET | key that holds our current hunting target |
BB_LOW_PRIORITY_HUNTING_TARGET | key that holds our less priority hunting target |
BB_HUNTING_COOLDOWN | key that holds the cooldown for our hunting subtree |
BB_BASIC_MOB_CURRENT_TARGET | Basic Mob Keys Targeting subtrees |
BB_BASIC_MOB_EXECUTION_TARGET | some behaviors that check current_target also set this on deep crit mobs |
BB_OBSTACLE_TARGETING_WHITELIST | Blackboard key for a whitelist typecache of "things we can target while trying to move" |
BB_TARGET_MINIMUM_STAT | Key for the minimum status at which we want to target mobs (does not need to be specified if CONSCIOUS) |
BB_TARGET_WOUNDED_ONLY | Flag for whether to target only wounded mobs |
BB_TARGET_HELD_ITEM | What typepath the holding object targeting strategy should look for |
BB_BASIC_MOB_HAS_TARGET_TIME | Blackboard key storing how long your targeting strategy has held a particular target |
BB_BASIC_MOB_FLEE_TARGET | Targeting keys for something to run away from, if you need to store this separately from current target |
BB_TARGETED_ACTION | Generic key for a non-specific targeted action |
BB_GENERIC_ACTION | Generic key for a non-specific action |
BB_SHAPESHIFT_ACTION | Generic key for a shapeshifting action |
BB_TARGETLESS_TIME | How long have we spent with no target? |
BB_BASIC_MOB_TIP_REACTING | Tipped blackboards Bool that means a basic mob will start reacting to being tipped in its planning |
BB_BASIC_MOB_TIPPER | the motherfucker who tipped us |
BB_STATIONARY_CAUSE | Is there something that scared us into being stationary? If so, hold the reference here |
BB_STATIONARY_SECONDS | How long should we remain stationary for? |
BB_STATIONARY_MOVE_TO_TARGET | Should we move towards the target that triggered us to be stationary? |
BB_STATIONARY_TARGETS | What targets will trigger us to be stationary? Must be a list. |
BB_STATIONARY_COOLDOWN | How often can we get spooked by a target? |
BB_BASIC_MOB_RETALIATE_LIST | List of mobs who have damaged us |
BB_RANDOM_AGGRO_CHANCE | Chance to randomly acquire a new target |
BB_RANDOM_DEAGGRO_CHANCE | Chance to randomly drop all of our targets |
BB_BASIC_MOB_STOP_FLEEING | Flag to set on if you want your mob to STOP running away |
BB_BASIC_FOODS | list of foods this mob likes |
BB_TARGET_FOOD | key holding any food we've found |
BB_EAT_EMOTES | key holding emotes we play after eating |
BB_NEXT_FOOD_EAT | key holding the next time we eat |
BB_EAT_FOOD_COOLDOWN | key holding our eating cooldown |
BB_SIMPLE_CARRY_ITEM | Blackboard key for a held item |
BB_MOD_TARGET | Mob the MOD is trying to attach to |
BB_MOD_IMPLANT | The implant the AI was created from |
MOD_AI_RANGE | Range for a MOD AI controller. |
BB_TARGET_ONLY_WITH_TRAITS | Only target mobs with these traits |
BB_ALWAYS_IGNORE_FACTION | should we skip the faction check for the targeting strategy? |
BB_TEMPORARILY_IGNORE_FACTION | are we in some kind of temporary state of ignoring factions when targeting? can result in volatile results if multiple behaviours touch this |
BB_BASIC_MOB_SPEAK_LINES | currently only used by clowns, a list of what can the mob speak randomly |
BB_BASIC_MOB_REINFORCEMENT_TARGET | A target that has called this mob for reinforcements |
BB_BASIC_MOB_REINFORCEMENTS_COOLDOWN | The next time at which this mob can call for reinforcements |
BB_STARTING_DIRECTION | the direction we started when executing stare at things |
BB_FRIENDLY_MESSAGE | Text we display when we befriend someone |
BB_FISHING_TARGET | our fishing target |
BB_FISHABLE_LIST | key holding the list of things we are able to fish from |
BB_FISHING_COOLDOWN | key holding our cooldown between fishing attempts |
BB_FISHING_TIMER | key that holds the next time we will start fishing |
BB_ONLY_FISH_WHILE_HUNGRY | are we ONLY allowed to fish when we're hungry? |
BB_DRILLABLE_ICE | drillable ice we can make holes in |
BB_FIND_TARGETS_FIELD | For /datum/ai_behavior/find_potential_targets, what if any field are we using currently |
Define Details
How close a mob must be for us to select it as a target, if that is less than how far we can maintain it as a target
should we skip the faction check for the targeting strategy?
bane ai used by example script
list of foods this mob likes
our current happiness level
Basic Mob Keys Targeting subtrees
some behaviors that check current_target also set this on deep crit mobs
Targeting keys for something to run away from, if you need to store this separately from current target
Blackboard key storing how long your targeting strategy has held a particular target
can this mob heal?
The next time at which this mob can call for reinforcements
A target that has called this mob for reinforcements
List of mobs who have damaged us
currently only used by clowns, a list of what can the mob speak randomly
Flag to set on if you want your mob to STOP running away
the motherfucker who tipped us
Tipped blackboards Bool that means a basic mob will start reacting to being tipped in its planning
are we ready to breed?
are we hungry? determined by the udder component
key that holds our current hunting target
drillable ice we can make holes in
key holding emotes we play after eating
key holding our eating cooldown
Chance to perform an emote per second
Store a single or list of emotes at this key
For /datum/ai_behavior/find_potential_targets, what if any field are we using currently
key holding the list of things we are able to fish from
key holding our cooldown between fishing attempts
our fishing target
key that holds the next time we will start fishing
what we're going to eat next
Text we display when we befriend someone
Generic key for a non-specific action
key that holds the cooldown for our hunting subtree
the list of interactions we can have with the owner
key that holds our less priority hunting target
maximum kids we can have
The implant the AI was created from
Mob the MOD is trying to attach to
key holding the next time we eat
time until we should next eat, set by the generic hunger subtree
Blackboard key for a whitelist typecache of "things we can target while trying to move"
are we ONLY allowed to fish when we're hungry?
the owner we will try to play with
Chance to randomly acquire a new target
Chance to randomly drop all of our targets
Something the mob will remote when calling reinforcements
Something the mob will say when calling reinforcements
Generic key for a shapeshifting action
Blackboard key for a held item
song instrument blackboard, set by instrument subtrees
song lines blackboard, set by default on controllers
the direction we started when executing stare at things
Is there something that scared us into being stationary? If so, hold the reference here
How often can we get spooked by a target?
Should we move towards the target that triggered us to be stationary?
How long should we remain stationary for?
What targets will trigger us to be stationary? Must be a list.
Generic key for a non-specific targeted action
How long have we spent with no target?
key holding any food we've found
What typepath the holding object targeting strategy should look for
Key for the minimum status at which we want to target mobs (does not need to be specified if CONSCIOUS)
Only target mobs with these traits
The trait checked by ai_behavior/find_potential_targets/prioritize_trait to return a target with a trait over the rest.
Flag for whether to target only wounded mobs
are we in some kind of temporary state of ignoring factions when targeting? can result in volatile results if multiple behaviours touch this
Turf we want a mob to move to
Range for a MOD AI controller.