/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


CHALLENGE_MIN_PLAYERSMin players requireed for nukes to declare war
PAYOFF_MINMinimum amount the pirates will demand
RESPONSE_MAX_TIMEHow long pirates will wait for a response before attacking
COME_BACK_FROM_CAPTURE_TIMEHow long till a spessman should come back after being captured and sent to the holding facility (which some antags use)
ELIMINATION_NEUTRALDoes not stop elimination hijacking but itself won't elimination hijack
ELIMINATION_ENABLEDNeeds to be present for shuttle to be elimination hijacked
ELIMINATION_PREVENTPrevents elimination hijack same way as non-antags
HERETIC_NO_HEART_ORGANDefines are used in /proc/has_living_heart() to report if the heretic has no heart period, no living heart, or has a living heart.
MAX_KNOWLEDGE_PRIORITYA define used in ritual priority for heretics.
IS_VALID_GHOUL_MOBChecks if the passed mob can become a heretic ghoul.
BLOB_FORCE_PLACEMENTForces the blob to place the core where they currently are, ignoring any checks.
BLOB_NORMAL_PLACEMENTNormal blob placement, does the regular checks to make sure the blob isn't placing itself in an invalid location
BLOB_RANDOM_PLACEMENTSelects a random location for the blob to be placed.
WIZARD_LOADOUT_CLASSICThe Classic Wizard wizard loadout.
WIZARD_LOADOUT_MJOLNIRMjolnir's Power wizard loadout.
WIZARD_LOADOUT_WIZARMYFantastical Army wizard loadout.
WIZARD_LOADOUT_SOULTAPSoul Tapper wizard loadout.
ALL_WIZARD_LOADOUTSConvenient list of all wizard loadouts for unit testing.
GRAND_RITUAL_FINALE_COUNTNumber of times you need to perform the grand ritual to complete it
GRAND_RITUAL_RUNES_WARNING_POTENCYThe crew will start being warned every time a rune is created after this many invocations.
GRAND_RITUAL_IMMINENT_FINALE_POTENCYThe crew will get a louder warning when this level of rune is created, and the next one will be special
LOG_SPELL_TYPEUsed in logging spells for roundend results
TRAITOR_FLAVOR_FILEFile to the traitor flavor
MALFUNCTION_FLAVOR_FILEFile to the malf flavor
HERETIC_INFLUENCE_FILEJSON string file for all of our heretic influence flavors
SPY_OBJECTIVE_FILEJSON file containing spy objectives
IS_TRAITORChecks if the given mob is a traitor
IS_CULTISTCult checks Checks if the given mob is a blood cultist
GET_CULTISTChecks if the given mob is a blood cultist and is guaranteed to return the datum if possible - will cause issues with above trait
IS_CULTIST_OR_CULTIST_MOBChecks if the mob is a sentient or non-sentient cultist
IS_HERETICHeretic checks Checks if the given mob is a heretic.
GET_HERETICChecks if the given mob is a heretic and is guaranteed to return the datum if possible - will cause issues with above trait
IS_LUNATICCheck if the given mob is a lunatic
IS_HERETIC_OR_MONSTERChecks if the given mob is either a heretic, heretic monster or a lunatic.
IS_IN_MANSUSCHecks if the given mob is in the mansus realm
IS_CHANGELINGEtc. Checks if the given mob is a changeling
IS_NUKE_OPChecks if the given mob is a nuclear operative
IS_WIZARDChecks if the given mob is a wizard
IS_REVOLUTIONARYChecks if the given mob is a revolutionary. Will return TRUE for rev heads as well.
IS_HEAD_REVOLUTIONARYChecks if the given mob is a head revolutionary.
IS_MALF_AIChecks if the given mob is a malf ai.
IS_SPYChecks if the given mob is a spy!
IS_HUMAN_INVADERReturns true if the given mob has an antag datum which is assigned to a human antagonist who doesn't spawn on the space station
ANTAGONIST_PREVIEW_ICON_SIZEThe dimensions of the antagonist preview icon. Will be scaled to this size.
OBJECTIVE_ITEM_TYPE_NORMALCan appear in everything
OBJECTIVE_ITEM_TYPE_TRAITOROnly appears in traitor objectives
OBJECTIVE_ITEM_TYPE_SPYOnly appears for spy bounties
HIJACK_PROBChance that the traitor could roll hijack if the pop limit is met.
HIJACK_MIN_PLAYERSHijack is unavailable as a random objective below this player count.
MARTYR_PROBChance the traitor gets a martyr objective instead of having to escape alive, as long as all the objectives are martyr compatible.
KILL_PROBChance the traitor gets a kill objective. If this prob fails, they will get a steal objective instead.
DESTROY_AI_PROBIf a kill objective is rolled, chance that it is to destroy the AI.
MAROON_PROBIf the destroy AI objective doesn't roll, chance that we'll get a maroon instead. If this prob fails, they will get a generic assassinate objective instead.
TELECRYSTALS_DEFAULTHow many telecrystals a normal traitor starts with
TELECRYSTALS_PRELOADED_IMPLANTHow many telecrystals mapper/admin only "precharged" uplink implant
UPLINK_IMPLANT_TELECRYSTAL_COSTThe normal cost of an uplink implant; used for calcuating how many TC to charge someone if they get a free implant through choice or because they have nothing else that supports an implant.
UPLINK_SHARED_STOCK_UNIQUEItems with this stock key do not share stock with other items
UPLINK_SHARED_STOCK_KITSStock keys for items that share inventory stock
SYNDIE_ILLEGAL_TECHDoes this item provide illegal tech?
SYNDIE_TRIPS_CONTRABANDDoes this item go off when scanned by a contraband scanner?
OBJECTIVE_STATE_INACTIVEIf the objective hasn't been taken yet
OBJECTIVE_STATE_ACTIVEIf the objective is active and ongoing
OBJECTIVE_STATE_COMPLETEDIf the objective has been completed.
OBJECTIVE_STATE_FAILEDIf the objective has failed.
OBJECTIVE_STATE_INVALIDIf the objective is no longer valid
OBJECTIVE_WEIGHT_VERY_UNLIKELYWeights for traitor objective categories
CHANGELING_POWER_INNATEChangeling abilities with DNA cost = this are innately given to all changelings
CHANGELING_POWER_UNOBTAINABLEChangeling abilities with DNA cost = this are not obtainable by changelings - either used for secret unlockable or abstract abilities
LING_ABSORB_RECENT_SPEECHFor changelings, this is how many recent say lines are retained when absorbing a mob
SPY_DIFFICULTY_EASYCan easily be accomplished by any job without any specialized tools, people won't really miss these things
SPY_DIFFICULTY_MEDIUMRequires some specialized tools, knowledge, or access to accomplish, may require getting into conflict with the crew
SPY_DIFFICULTY_HARDVery difficult to accomplish, almost guaranteed to require crew conflict
BATTLE_ROYALE_CAMERA_NETCamera net used by battle royale objective

Define Details


Convenient list of all wizard loadouts for unit testing.


The dimensions of the antagonist preview icon. Will be scaled to this size.


Antag panel groups


Camera net used by battle royale objective


Forces the blob to place the core where they currently are, ignoring any checks.


Normal blob placement, does the regular checks to make sure the blob isn't placing itself in an invalid location


Selects a random location for the blob to be placed.


Min players requireed for nukes to declare war


Changeling abilities with DNA cost = this are innately given to all changelings


Changeling abilities with DNA cost = this are not obtainable by changelings - either used for secret unlockable or abstract abilities


How long till a spessman should come back after being captured and sent to the holding facility (which some antags use)


If a kill objective is rolled, chance that it is to destroy the AI.


Needs to be present for shuttle to be elimination hijacked


Does not stop elimination hijacking but itself won't elimination hijack


Prevents elimination hijack same way as non-antags


Checks if the given mob is a blood cultist and is guaranteed to return the datum if possible - will cause issues with above trait


Checks if the given mob is a heretic and is guaranteed to return the datum if possible - will cause issues with above trait


Number of times you need to perform the grand ritual to complete it


The crew will get a louder warning when this level of rune is created, and the next one will be special


The crew will start being warned every time a rune is created after this many invocations.


JSON string file for all of our heretic influence flavors


Defines are used in /proc/has_living_heart() to report if the heretic has no heart period, no living heart, or has a living heart.


Hijack is unavailable as a random objective below this player count.


Chance that the traitor could roll hijack if the pop limit is met.


Etc. Checks if the given mob is a changeling


Cult checks Checks if the given mob is a blood cultist


Checks if the mob is a sentient or non-sentient cultist


Checks if the given mob is a head revolutionary.


Heretic checks Checks if the given mob is a heretic.


Checks if the given mob is either a heretic, heretic monster or a lunatic.


Returns true if the given mob has an antag datum which is assigned to a human antagonist who doesn't spawn on the space station


CHecks if the given mob is in the mansus realm


Check if the given mob is a lunatic


Checks if the given mob is a malf ai.


Checks if the given mob is a nuclear operative


Checks if the given mob is a revolutionary. Will return TRUE for rev heads as well.


Checks if the given mob is a spy!


Checks if the given mob is a traitor


Checks if the passed mob can become a heretic ghoul.


Checks if the given mob is a wizard


Chance the traitor gets a kill objective. If this prob fails, they will get a steal objective instead.


For changelings, this is how many recent say lines are retained when absorbing a mob


Used in logging spells for roundend results


File to the malf flavor


If the destroy AI objective doesn't roll, chance that we'll get a maroon instead. If this prob fails, they will get a generic assassinate objective instead.


Chance the traitor gets a martyr objective instead of having to escape alive, as long as all the objectives are martyr compatible.


A define used in ritual priority for heretics.


Can appear in everything


Only appears for spy bounties


Only appears in traitor objectives


If the objective is active and ongoing


If the objective has been completed.


If the objective has failed.


If the objective hasn't been taken yet


If the objective is no longer valid


Weights for traitor objective categories


Minimum amount the pirates will demand


How long pirates will wait for a response before attacking


Can easily be accomplished by any job without any specialized tools, people won't really miss these things


Very difficult to accomplish, almost guaranteed to require crew conflict


Requires some specialized tools, knowledge, or access to accomplish, may require getting into conflict with the crew


JSON file containing spy objectives


Does this item provide illegal tech?


Does this item go off when scanned by a contraband scanner?


How many telecrystals a normal traitor starts with


How many telecrystals mapper/admin only "precharged" uplink implant


File to the traitor flavor

The normal cost of an uplink implant; used for calcuating how many TC to charge someone if they get a free implant through choice or because they have nothing else that supports an implant.

Stock keys for items that share inventory stock

Items with this stock key do not share stock with other items


The Classic Wizard wizard loadout.


Mjolnir's Power wizard loadout.


Soul Tapper wizard loadout.


Fantastical Army wizard loadout.