/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


CRAFTING_MACHINERY_CONSUMEIf the machine is used/deleted in the crafting process
CRAFTING_STRUCTURE_CONSUMEIf the structure is used/deleted in the crafting process
CRAFTING_MACHINERY_USEIf the machine is only "used" i.e. it checks to see if it's nearby and allows crafting, but doesn't delete it
CRAFTING_STRUCTURE_USEIf the structure is only "used" i.e. it checks to see if it's nearby and allows crafting, but doesn't delete it
CRAFTING_INGREDIENT_USEIf the ingredient is only "used" i.e. it checks to see if it's nearby and allows crafting, but doesn't delete it
STACK_CHECK_CARDINALSChecks if there is an object of the result type in any of the cardinal directions
STACK_CHECK_ADJACENTChecks if there is an object of the result type within one tile
CRAFT_MUST_BE_LEARNEDIf this craft must be learned before it becomes available
CRAFT_ONE_PER_TURFShould only one object exist on the same turf?
CRAFT_IS_FULLTILESetting this to true will effectively set check_direction to true.
CRAFT_CHECK_DIRECTIONIf this craft should run the direction check, for use when building things like directional windows where you can have more than one per turf
CRAFT_ON_SOLID_GROUNDIf the craft requires a floor below
CRAFT_CHECK_DENSITYIf the craft checks that there are objects with density in the same turf when being built
CRAFT_APPLIES_MATSIf the created atom will gain custom mat datums
CRAFT_TRANSFERS_REAGENTSCrafting passes reagents of components to the finished product
CRAFT_CLEARS_REAGENTSCrafting clears all reagents present in the finished product

Define Details


If the ingredient is only "used" i.e. it checks to see if it's nearby and allows crafting, but doesn't delete it


If the machine is used/deleted in the crafting process


If the machine is only "used" i.e. it checks to see if it's nearby and allows crafting, but doesn't delete it


If the structure is used/deleted in the crafting process


If the structure is only "used" i.e. it checks to see if it's nearby and allows crafting, but doesn't delete it


If the created atom will gain custom mat datums


If the craft checks that there are objects with density in the same turf when being built


If this craft should run the direction check, for use when building things like directional windows where you can have more than one per turf


Crafting clears all reagents present in the finished product


Setting this to true will effectively set check_direction to true.


If this craft must be learned before it becomes available


Should only one object exist on the same turf?


If the craft requires a floor below


Crafting passes reagents of components to the finished product


Checks if there is an object of the result type within one tile


Checks if there is an object of the result type in any of the cardinal directions