COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT | from base of [atom/proc/set_light]: (l_range, l_power, l_color, l_on) |
COMPONENT_BLOCK_LIGHT_UPDATE | Blocks [/atom/proc/set_light], /atom/proc/set_light_power, /atom/proc/set_light_range, /atom/proc/set_light_color, /atom/proc/set_light_on, and /atom/proc/set_light_flags. |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_POWER | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_power to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_power: (new_power) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_POWER | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_power to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_power: (old_power) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_RANGE | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_range to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_range: (new_range) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_RANGE | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_range to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_range: (old_range) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_COLOR | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_color to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_color: (new_color) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_COLOR | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_color to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_color: (old_color) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_ANGLE | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_angle to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_angle: (new_angle) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_ANGLE | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_angle to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_angle: (old_angle) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_DIR | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_dir to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_dir: (new_dir) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_DIR | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_dir to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_dir: (old_dir) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_ON | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_on to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_on: (new_value) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_ON | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_on to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_on: (old_value) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_HEIGHT | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_height to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_height: (new_value) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_HEIGHT | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_height to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_height: (old_value) |
COMSIG_ATOM_SET_LIGHT_FLAGS | Called right before the atom changes the value of light_flags to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_flags: (new_flags) |
COMSIG_ATOM_UPDATE_LIGHT_FLAGS | Called right after the atom changes the value of light_flags to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_flags: (old_flags) |
COMSIG_ATOM_LIGHT_TEMPLATE_MIRRORED | Called when an atom has a light template applied to it. Frombase of [/datum/light_template/proc/mirror_onto]: () |
Define Details
Blocks [/atom/proc/set_light], /atom/proc/set_light_power, /atom/proc/set_light_range, /atom/proc/set_light_color, /atom/proc/set_light_on, and /atom/proc/set_light_flags.
Called when an atom has a light template applied to it. Frombase of [/datum/light_template/proc/mirror_onto]: ()
from base of [atom/proc/set_light]: (l_range, l_power, l_color, l_on)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_angle to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_angle: (new_angle)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_color to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_color: (new_color)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_dir to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_dir: (new_dir)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_flags to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_flags: (new_flags)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_height to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_height: (new_value)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_on to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_on: (new_value)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_power to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_power: (new_power)
Called right before the atom changes the value of light_range to a different one, from base atom/proc/set_light_range: (new_range)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_angle to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_angle: (old_angle)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_color to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_color: (old_color)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_dir to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_dir: (old_dir)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_flags to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_flags: (old_flags)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_height to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_height: (old_value)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_on to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_on: (old_value)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_power to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_power: (old_power)
Called right after the atom changes the value of light_range to a different one, from base of /atom/proc/set_light_range: (old_range)