COMSIG_GLOB_GREY_TIDE | Sent when the Grey Tide event begins affecting the station. (list/area/greytide_areas) |
COMSIG_GLOB_GREY_TIDE_LIGHT | A different signal, used specifically for flickering the lights during the event |
COMSIG_CREATED_ROUND_EVENT | Signal sent by round event controls when they create round event datums before calling setup() on them: (datum/round_event_control/source_event_control, datum/round_event/created_event) |
Define Details
Signal sent by round event controls when they create round event datums before calling setup() on them: (datum/round_event_control/source_event_control, datum/round_event/created_event)
Sent when the Grey Tide event begins affecting the station. (list/area/greytide_areas)
A different signal, used specifically for flickering the lights during the event