COMSIG_MIND_TRANSFERRED | from mind/transfer_to. Sent after the mind has been transferred: (mob/previous_body) |
COMSIG_ANTAGONIST_GAINED | Called on the mind when an antagonist is being gained, after the antagonist list has updated (datum/antagonist/antagonist) |
COMSIG_ANTAGONIST_REMOVED | Called on the mind when an antagonist is being removed, after the antagonist list has updated (datum/antagonist/antagonist) |
COMSIG_MOB_ANTAGONIST_REMOVED | Called on the mob when losing an antagonist datum (datum/antagonist/antagonist) |
Define Details
Called on the mind when an antagonist is being gained, after the antagonist list has updated (datum/antagonist/antagonist)
Called on the mind when an antagonist is being removed, after the antagonist list has updated (datum/antagonist/antagonist)
from mind/transfer_to. Sent after the mind has been transferred: (mob/previous_body)
Called on the mob when losing an antagonist datum (datum/antagonist/antagonist)