COMSIG_SIMPLEMOB_SENTIENCEPOTION | called when a simplemob is given sentience from a sentience potion (target = person who sentienced) |
COMSIG_SIMPLEMOB_TRANSFERPOTION | called when a simplemob is given sentience from a consciousness transference potion (target = person who sentienced) |
COMSIG_HOSTILE_PRE_ATTACKINGTARGET | before attackingtarget has happened, source is the attacker and target is the attacked |
COMSIG_HOSTILE_POST_ATTACKINGTARGET | after attackingtarget has happened, source is the attacker and target is the attacked, extra argument for if the attackingtarget was successful |
COMSIG_OOZE_EAT_ATOM | FROM mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/ooze/eat_atom(): (atom/target, edible_flags) |
COMSIG_HOSTILE_FOUND_TARGET | Called when a /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile fines a new target: (atom/source, new_target) |
Define Details
Called when a /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile fines a new target: (atom/source, new_target)
after attackingtarget has happened, source is the attacker and target is the attacked, extra argument for if the attackingtarget was successful
before attackingtarget has happened, source is the attacker and target is the attacked
FROM mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/ooze/eat_atom(): (atom/target, edible_flags)
called when a simplemob is given sentience from a sentience potion (target = person who sentienced)
called when a simplemob is given sentience from a consciousness transference potion (target = person who sentienced)