/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


DISEASE_SEVERITY_POSITIVEDiseases that buff, heal, or at least do nothing at all
DISEASE_SEVERITY_NONTHREATDiseases that may have annoying effects, but nothing disruptive (sneezing)
DISEASE_SEVERITY_MINORDiseases that can annoy in concrete ways (dizziness)
DISEASE_SEVERITY_MEDIUMDiseases that can do minor harm, or severe annoyance (vomit)
DISEASE_SEVERITY_HARMFULDiseases that can do significant harm, or severe disruption (brainrot)
DISEASE_SEVERITY_DANGEROUSDiseases that can kill or maim if left untreated (flesh eating, blindness)
DISEASE_SEVERITY_BIOHAZARDDiseases that can quickly kill an unprepared victim (fungal tb, gbs)
DISEASE_SEVERITY_UNCURABLEDiseases that are uncurable (hms)
DISEASE_CYCLES_POSITIVEPositive diseases should not self-cure by themselves, but if they do, they cure fast
DISEASE_CYCLES_NONTHREATRoughly 6 minutes for a harmless virus
DISEASE_CYCLES_MINORRoughly 5 minutes for a disruptive nuisance virus
DISEASE_CYCLES_MEDIUMRoughly 4 minutes for a medium virus
DISEASE_CYCLES_DANGEROUSRoughly 3 minutes for a dangerous virus
DISEASE_CYCLES_HARMFULRoughly 2 minutes for a harmful virus
DISEASE_CYCLES_BIOHAZARDRoughly 1 minute for a biohazard kill-death-evil-bad virus
DISEASE_RECOVERY_CONSTANTRecovery Constant - starting point, 'base' recovery when you get initially infected. / Minimum stage_prob is 1 for most advanced diseases. Don't raise it above that if you don't want those diseases to start naturally curing themselves.
DISEASE_RECOVERY_SCALINGRecovery Scaling - the divisor of the number of adjusted cycles at max_stages divided by Severity Guaranteed Cycles. / Raise to make over-time scaling more aggressive as you get further away from Severity Guaranteed Cycles. / Basically, once you hit Severity Guaranteed Cycles or equivalent, this will be your flat recovery chance, increasing by 1% for every Severity Guaranteed Cycles/this value cycles. So, if SGC = 30 and this = 3, every 10 cycles should give you another 1% per-cycle chance to recover.
DISEASE_PEAKED_RECOVERY_MULTIPLIERPeaked Recovery Multiplier - Once we hit max_stages, multiplicative bonus to recovery scaling. / Adjust to make it faster or slower to cure once the virus has reached its peak.
DISEASE_SLOWDOWN_RECOVERY_BONUSSlowdown Recovery Bonus - set this to the maximum extra chance per tick you want people to get to recover from spaceacillin or other slowdown/virus resistance effects
DISEASE_SLOWDOWN_RECOVERY_BONUS_DURATIONSlowdown Recovery Bonus Duration - set this to the maximum # of cycles you want things that cause slowdown/virus resistance to be able to add a bonus up to DISEASE_SLOWDOWN_RECOVERY_BONUS. / Scales down linearly over time.
DISEASE_MALNUTRITION_RECOVERY_PENALTYNegative Malnutrition Recovery Penalty / Flat penalty to recovery chance if malnourished or starving
DISEASE_SATIETY_RECOVERY_MULTIPLIERSatiety Recovery Multiplier - added chance to recover based on positive satiety / Multiplier of satiety/max_satiety if satiety is positive or zero. Increase to make satiety more valuable, decrease for less.
DISEASE_GOOD_SLEEPING_RECOVERY_BONUSGood Sleeping Recovery Bonus - additive benefits for various types of good sleep (blanket, bed, darkness, pillows.) / Raise to make each factor add this much chance to recover.
DISEASE_SLEEPING_RECOVERY_MULTIPLIERSleeping Recovery Multiplier - multiplies ALL recovery chance effects by this amount. / Set to 1 for no effect on recovery chances from sleeping.
DISEASE_FINAL_CURE_CHANCE_MULTIPLIERFinal Cure Chance Multiplier - multiplies the disease's cure chance to get the probability of moving from stage 1 to a final cure. / Must be greater than zero for diseases to self cure.
DISEASE_SYMPTOM_OFFSET_DURATIONSymptom Offset Duration - number of cycles over which sleeping/having spaceacillin or a slowdown effect can prevent symptoms appearing / Set to maximum # of cycles you want to be able to offset symptoms. Scales down linearly over time.
DISEASE_SYMPTOM_FREQUENCY_MODIFIERSymptom Frequency Modifier / Raise to make symptoms fire less frequently, lower to make them fire more frequently. Keep at 0 or above.
DISEASE_MINIMUM_CHEMICAL_CURE_CHANCEMinimum Chemical Cure Chance / Minimum per-cycle chance we want of being able to cure an advanced disease with the chemicals present.

Define Details


Roughly 1 minute for a biohazard kill-death-evil-bad virus


Roughly 3 minutes for a dangerous virus


Roughly 2 minutes for a harmful virus


Roughly 4 minutes for a medium virus


Roughly 5 minutes for a disruptive nuisance virus


Roughly 6 minutes for a harmless virus


Positive diseases should not self-cure by themselves, but if they do, they cure fast


Final Cure Chance Multiplier - multiplies the disease's cure chance to get the probability of moving from stage 1 to a final cure. / Must be greater than zero for diseases to self cure.


Good Sleeping Recovery Bonus - additive benefits for various types of good sleep (blanket, bed, darkness, pillows.) / Raise to make each factor add this much chance to recover.


Negative Malnutrition Recovery Penalty / Flat penalty to recovery chance if malnourished or starving


Minimum Chemical Cure Chance / Minimum per-cycle chance we want of being able to cure an advanced disease with the chemicals present.


Peaked Recovery Multiplier - Once we hit max_stages, multiplicative bonus to recovery scaling. / Adjust to make it faster or slower to cure once the virus has reached its peak.


Recovery Constant - starting point, 'base' recovery when you get initially infected. / Minimum stage_prob is 1 for most advanced diseases. Don't raise it above that if you don't want those diseases to start naturally curing themselves.


Recovery Scaling - the divisor of the number of adjusted cycles at max_stages divided by Severity Guaranteed Cycles. / Raise to make over-time scaling more aggressive as you get further away from Severity Guaranteed Cycles. / Basically, once you hit Severity Guaranteed Cycles or equivalent, this will be your flat recovery chance, increasing by 1% for every Severity Guaranteed Cycles/this value cycles. So, if SGC = 30 and this = 3, every 10 cycles should give you another 1% per-cycle chance to recover.


Satiety Recovery Multiplier - added chance to recover based on positive satiety / Multiplier of satiety/max_satiety if satiety is positive or zero. Increase to make satiety more valuable, decrease for less.


Diseases that can quickly kill an unprepared victim (fungal tb, gbs)


Diseases that can kill or maim if left untreated (flesh eating, blindness)


Diseases that can do significant harm, or severe disruption (brainrot)


Diseases that can do minor harm, or severe annoyance (vomit)


Diseases that can annoy in concrete ways (dizziness)


Diseases that may have annoying effects, but nothing disruptive (sneezing)


Diseases that buff, heal, or at least do nothing at all


Diseases that are uncurable (hms)


Sleeping Recovery Multiplier - multiplies ALL recovery chance effects by this amount. / Set to 1 for no effect on recovery chances from sleeping.


Slowdown Recovery Bonus - set this to the maximum extra chance per tick you want people to get to recover from spaceacillin or other slowdown/virus resistance effects


Slowdown Recovery Bonus Duration - set this to the maximum # of cycles you want things that cause slowdown/virus resistance to be able to add a bonus up to DISEASE_SLOWDOWN_RECOVERY_BONUS. / Scales down linearly over time.


Symptom Frequency Modifier / Raise to make symptoms fire less frequently, lower to make them fire more frequently. Keep at 0 or above.


Symptom Offset Duration - number of cycles over which sleeping/having spaceacillin or a slowdown effect can prevent symptoms appearing / Set to maximum # of cycles you want to be able to offset symptoms. Scales down linearly over time.