/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


ONLY_RULESETThis is the only ruleset that should be picked this round, used by admins and should not be on rulesets in code.
HIGH_IMPACT_RULESETOnly one ruleset with this flag will be picked.
LONE_RULESETThis ruleset can only be picked once. Anything that does not have a scaling_cost MUST have this.
MIDROUND_RULESET_STYLE_HEAVYThis is a "heavy" midround ruleset, and should be run later into the round
MIDROUND_RULESET_STYLE_LIGHTThis is a "light" midround ruleset, and should be run early into the round
HIJACKED_NOTHINGNo round event was hijacked this cycle
HIJACKED_TOO_RECENTThis cycle, a round event was hijacked when the last midround event was too recent.
RULESET_STOP_PROCESSINGKill this ruleset from continuing to process
REQUIREMENTS_VERY_HIGH_THREAT_NEEDEDRequirements when something needs a lot of threat to run, but still possible at low-pop
ABDUCTOR_MAX_TEAMSMax number of teams we can have for the abductor ruleset
RULESET_FORCE_ENABLEDRuleset should run regardless of population and threat available
RULESET_FORCE_DISABLEDRuleset should not run regardless of population and threat available

Define Details


Max number of teams we can have for the abductor ruleset


Only one ruleset with this flag will be picked.


No round event was hijacked this cycle


This cycle, a round event was hijacked when the last midround event was too recent.


This ruleset can only be picked once. Anything that does not have a scaling_cost MUST have this.


This is a "heavy" midround ruleset, and should be run later into the round


This is a "light" midround ruleset, and should be run early into the round


This is the only ruleset that should be picked this round, used by admins and should not be on rulesets in code.


Requirements when something needs a lot of threat to run, but still possible at low-pop


Ruleset should not run regardless of population and threat available


Ruleset should run regardless of population and threat available


Kill this ruleset from continuing to process