/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


EXPERIMENT_BOOL_STAGEBoolean stage, complete/incomplete. No specific progress to report.
EXPERIMENT_INT_STAGEInteger stages, should be whole numbers with total being included to support rendering value of total, or something akin to it.
EXPERIMENT_FLOAT_STAGEFloat stages, the value should be between 0 and 1 representing percent completion
EXPERIMENT_DETAIL_STAGEDetail stages, only provide more textual information and have no inherent progress
EXPERIMENT_PROGRESSMacro for defining a progress stage
EXPERIMENT_PROG_BOOLMacro for boolean stages
EXPERIMENT_PROG_INTMacro for integer stages
EXPERIMENT_PROG_FLOATMacro for float stages
EXPERIMENT_PROG_DETAILMacro for non-valued stages, details for exp stages
EXPERIMENT_TRAIT_DESTRUCTIVEDestructive experiments which will destroy the sample
EXPERIMENT_TRAIT_TYPECACHEUsed by scanning experiments: instead of storing refs or be a number, the list for scanned atoms is used as typecache
EXPERIMENT_CONFIG_ALWAYS_ACTIVEWill always attempt to action every experiment eligible with a single input, no experiment selection required
EXPERIMENT_CONFIG_NO_AUTOCONNECTExperiment handlers with this flag will not automatically connect to the first techweb they find on initialization
EXPERIMENT_CONFIG_SILENT_FAILExperiment handlers with this flag won't pester the user of objects not pertinent to the test or if no experiment is selected
EXPERIMENT_CONFIG_IMMEDIATE_ACTIONExperiment handlers with this flag will bypass any delay when trying to scan something

Define Details


Boolean stage, complete/incomplete. No specific progress to report.


Will always attempt to action every experiment eligible with a single input, no experiment selection required


Experiment handlers with this flag will bypass any delay when trying to scan something


Experiment handlers with this flag will not automatically connect to the first techweb they find on initialization


Experiment handlers with this flag won't pester the user of objects not pertinent to the test or if no experiment is selected


Detail stages, only provide more textual information and have no inherent progress


Float stages, the value should be between 0 and 1 representing percent completion


Integer stages, should be whole numbers with total being included to support rendering value of total, or something akin to it.


Macro for defining a progress stage


Macro for boolean stages


Macro for non-valued stages, details for exp stages


Macro for float stages


Macro for integer stages


Destructive experiments which will destroy the sample


Used by scanning experiments: instead of storing refs or be a number, the list for scanned atoms is used as typecache