FISHING_DUD | Use in fish tables to denote miss chance. |
FISHING_RANDOM_SEED | Used in the the hydro tray fishing spot to define a random seed reward |
FISHING_RANDOM_ORGAN | Used in the surgery fishing spot to define a random organ reward |
FISHING_INFLUENCE | Used in the dimensional rift fishing spot to define influence gain |
FISHING_RANDOM_ARM | Used in the dimensional rift fishing spot to define arm procurement |
FISHING_VENDING_CHUCK | Represents the chance of getting squashed by the vending machine from the vending machine fish source |
FISHING_MINIMUM_DIFFICULTY | The minimum value of the difficulty of the minigame (unless it reaches 0 than it's auto-win) Any lower than this and the fish will be way too lethargic for the minigame to be engaging in the slightest. |
FAV_BAIT_DIFFICULTY_MOD | Difficulty modifier when bait is fish's favorite |
DISLIKED_BAIT_DIFFICULTY_MOD | Difficulty modifier when bait is fish's disliked |
EXPERT_FISHER_DIFFICULTY_MOD | Difficulty modifier when our fisherman has the trait TRAIT_EXPERT_FISHER |
ROD_SLOT_BAIT | Slot defines for the fishing rod and its equipment |
FISHING_HOOK_WEIGHTED | Fishing hook trait that lessens the bounce from hitting the edges of the minigame bar. |
FISHING_HOOK_NO_ESCAPE | Prevents the user from losing the game by letting the fish get away. |
FISHING_HOOK_ENSNARE | Limits the completion loss of the minigame when the fsh is not on the bait area. |
FISHING_HOOK_KILL | Automatically kills the fish after a while, at the cost of killing it. |
FISHING_LINE_CLOAKED | Reduces the difficulty of the minigame |
FISHING_LINE_BOUNCY | Much like FISHING_HOOK_ENSNARE but for the fishing line. |
FISHING_LINE_STIFF | The sorta opposite of FISHING_LINE_BOUNCY. It makes it slower to gain completion and faster to lose it. |
FISHING_LINE_AUTOREEL | Skip the biting phase and go straight to the fishing phase. |
FISHING_MINIGAME_RULE_BIDIRECTIONAL | Keeps the bait from falling from gravity, instead allowing the player to move the bait down with right click. |
FISHING_MINIGAME_RULE_NO_ESCAPE | Prevents the player from losing the minigame when the completion reaches 0 |
FISHING_MINIGAME_RULE_KILL | Automatically kills the fish after a while, at the cost of killing it |
FISHING_MINIGAME_RULE_NO_EXP | Prevents the fishing skill from having an effect on the minigame and experience from being awarded |
FISHING_MINIGAME_RULE_ANTIGRAV | If enabled, the minigame will occasionally screw around and invert the velocity of the bait |
FISHING_MINIGAME_RULE_FLIP | Will filp the minigame hud for the duration of the effect |
FISHING_MINIGAME_AUTOREEL | Skip the biting phase and go straight to the minigame, avoiding the penalty for having slow reflexes. |
FISHING_MINIGAME_RULE_CAMO | The fish will fade in and out at intervals |
FISHING_MINIGAME_ACTIVE_EFFECTS | all the effects that are active and will last for a few seconds before triggering a cooldown |
FISHING_DEFAULT_HOOK_BONUS_ADDITIVE | The default additive value for fishing hook catch weight modifiers. |
FISHING_DEFAULT_HOOK_BONUS_MULTIPLICATIVE | The default multiplicative value for fishing hook catch weight modifiers. |
AQUARIUM_LAYER_STEP | The distance that should separate each layer of the aquarium |
AQUARIUM_MIN_OFFSET | Aquarium content layer offsets |
AQUARIUM_GLASS_LAYER | The layer of the glass overlay |
AQUARIUM_BORDERS_LAYER | The layer of the aquarium pane borders |
AQUARIUM_BELOW_GLASS_LAYER | Layer for stuff rendered below the glass overlay |
FISH_SIZE_TINY_MAX | Fish size thresholds for w_class. |
FISH_SIZE_TWO_HANDS_REQUIRED | size threshold for requiring two-handed carry |
MAX_FISH_DEVIATION_COEFF | The coefficient for maximum weight/size divergence relative to the averages. |
FISH_GROWTH_MULT | Base multiplier of the difference between current size and weight and their maximum value used to calculate how much fish grow each time they're fed, alongside with the current hunger, and the current size and weight, meaning bigger fish naturally tend to grow way slowier |
FISH_GROWTH_PEAK | Growth peaks at 45% hunger but very rapidly wanes past that. |
FISH_SIZE_WEIGHT_GROWTH_MALUS | Used as part of the divisor to slow down growth of bigger fish |
FISH_GRIND_RESULTS_WEIGHT_DIVISOR | The volume of the grind results is multiplied by the fish' weight and divided by this. |
FISH_FILLET_NUMBER_SIZE_DIVISOR | The number of fillets is multiplied by the fish' size and divided by this. |
FISH_WEIGHT_SLOWDOWN | The slowdown of the fish when carried begins at this value |
FISH_WEIGHT_SLOWDOWN_DIVISOR | The value of the slowdown equals to the weight divided by this (and then at the power of a sub-1 exponent) |
FISH_WEIGHT_SLOWDOWN_EXPONENT | The sub-one exponent that results in the final slowdown of the fish item |
FISH_WEIGHT_FORCE_DIVISOR | Used to calculate the force of the fish by comparing (1 + log(weight/this_define)) and the w_class of the item. |
FISH_WEIGHT_BITE_DIVISOR | Used to calculate how many bites a fish can take and therefore the amount of reagents it has. |
GET_FISH_SLOWDOWN | Set of operations that calculate the slowdown of fish based on weight |
GET_FISH_WEIGHT_RANK | Gets a "rank" for fish weight to determine the force of the fish (or fish tank) basically, a gross estimate based on how weight generaly scales up (250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 etc...) for most fish |
NEW_FISH_BREEDING_TIMEOUT_MULT | The breeding timeout for newly instantiated fish is multiplied by this. |
NEW_FISH_LAST_FEEDING_MULT | The last feeding timestamp of newly instantiated fish is multiplied by this: ergo, they spawn 50% hungry. |
FISH_FLAG_SHOW_IN_CATALOG | This fish is shown in the catalog and on the wiki (this only matters as an initial, compile-time value) |
FISH_DO_FLOP_ANIM | This fish has a flopping animation done through matrices |
FISH_FLAG_PETTED | This fish has been petted in the last 30 seconds |
FISH_FLAG_EXPERIMENT_SCANNABLE | This fish can be scanned to complete fish scanning experiments |
FISH_FLAG_UPDATING_SIZE_AND_WEIGHT | It lets us know that fish/update_size_and_weight() is currently running. |
FISH_FLAG_OVERPOPULATED | Flag added when the population of this fish type exceeeds the stable population inside the aquarium |
FISH_FLAG_SAFE_TEMPERATURE | Flag added when in an aquarium which temperature is within its safe limits |
FISH_FLAG_SAFE_FLUID | Flag added when in an aquarium with the right fluid type. |
FISH_RARITY_BASIC | How likely one's to find a given fish from random fish cases. |
AQUARIUM_FLUID_FRESHWATER | Aquarium fluid variables. The fish' required fluid has to match this, or it'll slowly die. |
AQUARIUM_COMPANY | Fluff. The name of the aquarium company shown in the fish catalog |
ELECTROGENESIS_DURATION | how long between electrogenesis zaps |
ELECTROGENESIS_VARIANCE | a random range the electrogenesis cooldown varies by |
FISHING_MINIGAME_AREA | The height of the minigame slider. Not in pixels, but minigame units. |
FISH_SAFE_COOKING_DURATION | The fish needs to be cooked for at least this long so that it can be safely eaten |
FISH_PROPERTIES_FAV_BAIT | Defines for fish properties from the collect_fish_properties proc |
FISH_BAIT_TYPE | Define for favorite and disliked baits that aren't just item typepaths. |
FISH_WEIGHT_MULT_WITHOUT_BAIT | We multiply the weight of fish inside the loot table by this value if we are goofy enough to fish without a bait. |
FISH_SOURCE_FLAG_EXPLOSIVE_MALUS | Flag for fish sources. It makes large explosions less efficient at spawning fish. Meant for lazy fishing spots that cover multiple turfs (rivers, oceans etc.) |
FISH_SOURCE_FLAG_NO_BLUESPACE_ROD | The fish source is not elegible for random rewards from bluespace fishing rods |
FISH_SOURCE_FLAG_IGNORE_HIDDEN_ON_CATALOG | When examined by someone with enough fishing skill, this will also display fish that doesn't have FISH_FLAG_SHOW_IN_CATALOG |
FISH_SOURCE_FLAG_EXPLOSIVE_NONE | This fish source will not spawn fish on explosions |
FISH_AUTOWIKI_FILENAME | A macro to ensure the wikimedia filenames of fish icons are unique, especially since there're a couple fish that have quite ambiguous names/icon_states like "checkered" or "pike" |
FISH_SOURCE_AUTOWIKI_NAME | The list keys for the autowiki for fish sources |
FISH_SOURCE_AUTOWIKI_DUD | Special value for the name key that always comes first when the data is sorted, regardless of weight. |
FISH_SOURCE_AUTOWIKI_OTHER | Special value for the name key that always comes last |
FISH_SOURCE_AUTOWIKI_QUESTIONMARK | The filename for the icon for "other stuff" which we don't articulate about on the autowiki |
Define Details
Layer for stuff rendered below the glass overlay
The layer of the aquarium pane borders
Fluff. The name of the aquarium company shown in the fish catalog
Aquarium fluid variables. The fish' required fluid has to match this, or it'll slowly die.
The layer of the glass overlay
The distance that should separate each layer of the aquarium
Aquarium content layer offsets
Difficulty modifier when bait is fish's disliked
how long between electrogenesis zaps
a random range the electrogenesis cooldown varies by
Difficulty modifier when our fisherman has the trait TRAIT_EXPERT_FISHER
Difficulty modifier when bait is fish's favorite
The default additive value for fishing hook catch weight modifiers.
The default multiplicative value for fishing hook catch weight modifiers.
Use in fish tables to denote miss chance.
Limits the completion loss of the minigame when the fsh is not on the bait area.
Automatically kills the fish after a while, at the cost of killing it.
Prevents the user from losing the game by letting the fish get away.
Fishing hook trait that lessens the bounce from hitting the edges of the minigame bar.
Used in the dimensional rift fishing spot to define influence gain
Skip the biting phase and go straight to the fishing phase.
Much like FISHING_HOOK_ENSNARE but for the fishing line.
Reduces the difficulty of the minigame
The sorta opposite of FISHING_LINE_BOUNCY. It makes it slower to gain completion and faster to lose it.
all the effects that are active and will last for a few seconds before triggering a cooldown
The height of the minigame slider. Not in pixels, but minigame units.
Skip the biting phase and go straight to the minigame, avoiding the penalty for having slow reflexes.
If enabled, the minigame will occasionally screw around and invert the velocity of the bait
Keeps the bait from falling from gravity, instead allowing the player to move the bait down with right click.
The fish will fade in and out at intervals
Will filp the minigame hud for the duration of the effect
Automatically kills the fish after a while, at the cost of killing it
Prevents the player from losing the minigame when the completion reaches 0
Prevents the fishing skill from having an effect on the minigame and experience from being awarded
The minimum value of the difficulty of the minigame (unless it reaches 0 than it's auto-win) Any lower than this and the fish will be way too lethargic for the minigame to be engaging in the slightest.
Used in the dimensional rift fishing spot to define arm procurement
Used in the surgery fishing spot to define a random organ reward
Used in the the hydro tray fishing spot to define a random seed reward
Represents the chance of getting squashed by the vending machine from the vending machine fish source
A macro to ensure the wikimedia filenames of fish icons are unique, especially since there're a couple fish that have quite ambiguous names/icon_states like "checkered" or "pike"
Define for favorite and disliked baits that aren't just item typepaths.
This fish has a flopping animation done through matrices
The number of fillets is multiplied by the fish' size and divided by this.
This fish can be scanned to complete fish scanning experiments
Flag added when the population of this fish type exceeeds the stable population inside the aquarium
This fish has been petted in the last 30 seconds
Flag added when in an aquarium with the right fluid type.
Flag added when in an aquarium which temperature is within its safe limits
This fish is shown in the catalog and on the wiki (this only matters as an initial, compile-time value)
It lets us know that fish/update_size_and_weight() is currently running.
The volume of the grind results is multiplied by the fish' weight and divided by this.
Base multiplier of the difference between current size and weight and their maximum value used to calculate how much fish grow each time they're fed, alongside with the current hunger, and the current size and weight, meaning bigger fish naturally tend to grow way slowier
Growth peaks at 45% hunger but very rapidly wanes past that.
Defines for fish properties from the collect_fish_properties proc
How likely one's to find a given fish from random fish cases.
The fish needs to be cooked for at least this long so that it can be safely eaten
Fish size thresholds for w_class.
size threshold for requiring two-handed carry
Used as part of the divisor to slow down growth of bigger fish
Special value for the name key that always comes first when the data is sorted, regardless of weight.
The list keys for the autowiki for fish sources
Special value for the name key that always comes last
The filename for the icon for "other stuff" which we don't articulate about on the autowiki
Flag for fish sources. It makes large explosions less efficient at spawning fish. Meant for lazy fishing spots that cover multiple turfs (rivers, oceans etc.)
This fish source will not spawn fish on explosions
When examined by someone with enough fishing skill, this will also display fish that doesn't have FISH_FLAG_SHOW_IN_CATALOG
The fish source is not elegible for random rewards from bluespace fishing rods
Used to calculate how many bites a fish can take and therefore the amount of reagents it has.
Used to calculate the force of the fish by comparing (1 + log(weight/this_define)) and the w_class of the item.
The multiplier used in the FISH_WEIGHT_BITE_DIVISOR define
We multiply the weight of fish inside the loot table by this value if we are goofy enough to fish without a bait.
The slowdown of the fish when carried begins at this value
The value of the slowdown equals to the weight divided by this (and then at the power of a sub-1 exponent)
The sub-one exponent that results in the final slowdown of the fish item
Set of operations that calculate the slowdown of fish based on weight
Gets a "rank" for fish weight to determine the force of the fish (or fish tank) basically, a gross estimate based on how weight generaly scales up (250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 etc...) for most fish
The coefficient for maximum weight/size divergence relative to the averages.
The breeding timeout for newly instantiated fish is multiplied by this.
The last feeding timestamp of newly instantiated fish is multiplied by this: ergo, they spawn 50% hungry.
Slot defines for the fishing rod and its equipment