/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


RECURSIVE_CONTENTS_AREA_SENSITIVEthe area channel of the important_recursive_contents list, everything in here will be sent a signal when their last holding object changes areas
RECURSIVE_CONTENTS_HEARING_SENSITIVEthe hearing channel of the important_recursive_contents list, everything in here will count as a hearing atom
RECURSIVE_CONTENTS_CLIENT_MOBSthe client mobs channel of the important_recursive_contents list, everything in here will be a mob with an attached client this is given to both a clients mob, and a clients eye, both point to the clients mob
RECURSIVE_CONTENTS_ACTIVE_STORAGEthe parent of storage components currently shown to some client mob get this. gets removed when nothing is viewing the parent

Define Details


the parent of storage components currently shown to some client mob get this. gets removed when nothing is viewing the parent


the area channel of the important_recursive_contents list, everything in here will be sent a signal when their last holding object changes areas


the client mobs channel of the important_recursive_contents list, everything in here will be a mob with an attached client this is given to both a clients mob, and a clients eye, both point to the clients mob


the hearing channel of the important_recursive_contents list, everything in here will count as a hearing atom