/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


IPINTEL_UNKNOWN_INTERNAL_ERRORAn internal error occurred and the query cannot be processed
IPINTEL_UNKNOWN_QUERY_ERRORAn error occurred with the query and the result is unknown
IPINTEL_RATE_LIMITED_DAYCannot query as we are rate limited for the rest of the day
IPINTEL_RATE_LIMITED_MINUTECannot query as we are rate limited for the rest of the minute
IPINTEL_BAD_IPThe IP address is a VPN or bad IP
IPINTEL_GOOD_IPThe IP address is not a VPN or bad IP

Define Details


The IP address is a VPN or bad IP


The IP address is not a VPN or bad IP


Cannot query as we are rate limited for the rest of the day


Cannot query as we are rate limited for the rest of the minute


An internal error occurred and the query cannot be processed


An error occurred with the query and the result is unknown