LANGUAGE_ALL | For use in full removal only. |
LANGUAGE_ATOM | Language is linked to the movable directly. |
LANGUAGE_MIND | Language is linked to the mob's mind. If a mind transfer happens, language follows. |
LANGUAGE_SPECIES | Language is linked to the mob's species. If a species change happens, language goes away. If applied to a non-human (no species) atom, this is effectively the same as LANGUAGE_ATOM. |
SPOKEN_LANGUAGE | This language can be spoken. |
UNDERSTOOD_LANGUAGE | This language can be understood. |
Define Details
For use in full removal only.
Language is linked to the movable directly.
Language is linked to the mob's mind. If a mind transfer happens, language follows.
Language is linked to the mob's species. If a species change happens, language goes away. If applied to a non-human (no species) atom, this is effectively the same as LANGUAGE_ATOM.
This language can be spoken.
This language can be understood.