/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


MAGAZINE_DESC_INCAppended to the description of magazines that spawn with old-fashioned incendiary ammo, which generally leave fire trails and give firestacks in return for less base damage.
MAGAZINE_DESC_HOLLOWPOINTAppended to the description of magazines that spawn with hollow-point ammo, which generally has higher base damage but is weak against armor.
MAGAZINE_DESC_ARMORPIERCEAppended to the description of magazines that spawn with armor-piercing ammo, which generally has less base damage but penetrates armor.
MAGAZINE_TYPE_INCENDIARYDefines a magazine to, visually, be for incendiary ammo by setting the ammo band color and appending a short blurb to the description.
MAGAZINE_TYPE_HOLLOWPOINTDefines a magazine to, visually, be for hollow-point ammo by setting the ammo band color and appending a short blurb to the description.
MAGAZINE_TYPE_ARMORPIERCEDefines a magazine to, visually, be for armor-piercing ammo by setting the ammo band color and appending a short blurb to the description.

Define Details


Appended to the description of magazines that spawn with armor-piercing ammo, which generally has less base damage but penetrates armor.


Appended to the description of magazines that spawn with hollow-point ammo, which generally has higher base damage but is weak against armor.


Appended to the description of magazines that spawn with old-fashioned incendiary ammo, which generally leave fire trails and give firestacks in return for less base damage.


Defines a magazine to, visually, be for armor-piercing ammo by setting the ammo band color and appending a short blurb to the description.


Defines a magazine to, visually, be for hollow-point ammo by setting the ammo band color and appending a short blurb to the description.


Defines a magazine to, visually, be for incendiary ammo by setting the ammo band color and appending a short blurb to the description.