/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


LIGHT_MUTATION_BRIGHTNESSDetermines brightness of the light emitted by kudzu with the light mutation
PASS_LIGHTKudzu light states
TOXICITY_MUTATION_PROBDetermines the probability that the toxicity mutation will harm someone who passes through it
EXPLOSION_MUTATION_IMPACT_RADIUSDetermines the impact radius of kudzu's explosive mutation
GAS_MUTATION_REMOVAL_MULTIPLIERDetermines the scale factor for the amount of gas removed by kudzu with a gas removal mutation, which is this scale factor * the kudzu's energy level
THORN_MUTATION_CUT_PROBDetermines the probability that the thorn mutation will harm someone who passes through or attacks it
FLOWERING_MUTATION_SPAWN_PROBDetermines the probability that a kudzu plant with the flowering mutation will spawn a venus flower bud
TEMP_STABILISATION_MUTATION_MAXIMUM_ENERGYMaximum energy used per atmos tick that the temperature stabilisation mutation will use to bring the temperature to T20C
VINE_FREEZING_POINTTemperature below which the kudzu can't spread
SEVERITY_TRIVIALKudzu severity values for traits, based on severity in terms of how severely it impacts the game, the lower the severity, the more likely it is to appear
MUTATIVENESS_SCALE_FACTORKudzu mutativeness is based on a scale factor * potency
MAX_SEVERITY_LINEAR_COEFFKudzu maximum mutation severity is a linear function of potency
MAX_SEVERITY_EVENT_BONUSAdditional maximum mutation severity given to kudzu spawned by a random event
MAX_POSSIBLE_PRODUCTIVITY_VALUEThe maximum possible productivity value of a (normal) kudzu plant, used for calculating a plant's spread cap and multiplier
SPREAD_CAP_LINEAR_COEFFKudzu spread cap is a scaled version of production speed, such that the better the production speed, ie. the lower the speed value is, the faster is spreads
SPREAD_MULTIPLIER_MAXKudzu spread multiplier is a reciporal function of production speed, such that the better the production speed, ie. the lower the speed value is, the faster it spreads
IDEAL_MAX_SEVERITYKudzu's maximum possible maximum mutation severity (assuming ideal potency), used to balance mutation appearance chance

Define Details


Determines the impact radius of kudzu's explosive mutation


Determines the probability that a kudzu plant with the flowering mutation will spawn a venus flower bud


Determines the scale factor for the amount of gas removed by kudzu with a gas removal mutation, which is this scale factor * the kudzu's energy level


Kudzu's maximum possible maximum mutation severity (assuming ideal potency), used to balance mutation appearance chance


Determines brightness of the light emitted by kudzu with the light mutation


The maximum possible productivity value of a (normal) kudzu plant, used for calculating a plant's spread cap and multiplier


Additional maximum mutation severity given to kudzu spawned by a random event


Kudzu maximum mutation severity is a linear function of potency


Kudzu mutativeness is based on a scale factor * potency


Kudzu light states


Kudzu severity values for traits, based on severity in terms of how severely it impacts the game, the lower the severity, the more likely it is to appear


Kudzu spread cap is a scaled version of production speed, such that the better the production speed, ie. the lower the speed value is, the faster is spreads


Kudzu spread multiplier is a reciporal function of production speed, such that the better the production speed, ie. the lower the speed value is, the faster it spreads


Maximum energy used per atmos tick that the temperature stabilisation mutation will use to bring the temperature to T20C


Determines the probability that the thorn mutation will harm someone who passes through or attacks it


Determines the probability that the toxicity mutation will harm someone who passes through it


Temperature below which the kudzu can't spread