/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


MUTANT_COLORColor of the sprite accessory will match the owner's mutant color, which is granted by certain species
HAIR_COLORColor of the sprite accessory will match the owner's hair color
FACIAL_HAIR_COLORColor of the sprite accessory will match the owner's facial hair color
EYE_COLORColor of the sprite accessory will match the owner's (left) eye color
USE_MUTANT_COLORUses the species's mutant color for the hair color
USE_FIXED_MUTANT_COLORUses the species's fixed mutant color for the hair color

Define Details


Color of the sprite accessory will match the owner's (left) eye color


Color of the sprite accessory will match the owner's facial hair color


Color of the sprite accessory will match the owner's hair color


Color of the sprite accessory will match the owner's mutant color, which is granted by certain species


Uses the species's fixed mutant color for the hair color


Uses the species's mutant color for the hair color