FOURSPACES | Does 4 spaces. Used as a makeshift tabulator. |
MAPTEXT | Standard maptext Prepares a text to be used for maptext. Use this so it doesn't look hideous. |
MAPTEXT_PIXELLARI | Pixel-perfect scaled fonts for use in the MAP element as defined in skin.dmf |
MAPTEXT_GRAND9K | Standard size (ie: normal runechat) - Size options: 6pt 12pt 18pt. |
MAPTEXT_TINY_UNICODE | Small size. (ie: context subtooltips, spell delays) - Size options: 12pt 24pt. |
MAPTEXT_SPESSFONT | Smallest size. (ie: whisper runechat) - Size options: 6pt 12pt 18pt. |
MAPTEXT_VCR_OSD_MONO | Prepares a text to be used for maptext, using a variable size font. |
WXH_TO_HEIGHT | Macro from Lummox used to get height from a MeasureText proc. resolves the MeasureText() return value once, then resolves the height, then sets return_var to that. |
SANITIZE_FILENAME | Removes characters incompatible with file names. |
STRIP_HTML_SIMPLE | Simply removes the < and > characters, and limits the length of the message. |
STRIP_HTML_FULL | Removes everything enclose in < and > inclusive of the bracket, and limits the length of the message. |
PREVENT_CHARACTER_TRIM_LOSS | stuff like copytext(input, length(input)) will trim the last character of the input,
because DM does it so it copies until the char BEFORE the end arg, so we need to bump end by 1 in these cases. |
LOWER_TEXT | BYOND's string procs don't support being used on datum references (as in it doesn't look for a name for stringification) We just use this macro to ensure that we will only pass strings to this BYOND-level function without developers needing to really worry about it. |
STRING_DIRECTORY | Folder directory for strings |
BRAIN_DAMAGE_FILE | File location for brain damage traumas |
ION_FILE | File location for AI ion laws |
PIRATE_NAMES_FILE | File location for pirate names |
REDPILL_FILE | File location for redpill questions |
ARCADE_FILE | File location for arcade names |
BOOMER_FILE | File location for boomer meme catchphrases |
LOCATIONS_FILE | File location for locations on the station |
WANTED_FILE | File location for wanted posters messages |
VISTA_FILE | File location for really dumb suggestions memes |
FLESH_SCAR_FILE | File location for flesh wound descriptions |
BONE_SCAR_FILE | File location for bone wound descriptions |
SCAR_LOC_FILE | File location for scar wound descriptions |
EXODRONE_FILE | File location for exodrone descriptions |
CLOWN_NONSENSE_FILE | File location for clown honk descriptions |
CULT_SHUTTLE_CURSE | File location for cult shuttle curse descriptions |
EIGENSTASIUM_FILE | File location for eigenstasium lines |
HALLUCINATION_FILE | File location for hallucination lines |
NINJA_FILE | File location for ninja lines |
SPLASH_FILE | File loation for title splashes |
MOTHER_FILE | File location for mother hallucination lines |
Define Details
File location for arcade names
File location for bone wound descriptions
File location for boomer meme catchphrases
File location for brain damage traumas
File location for clown honk descriptions
File location for cult shuttle curse descriptions
File location for eigenstasium lines
File location for exodrone descriptions
File location for flesh wound descriptions
Does 4 spaces. Used as a makeshift tabulator.
File location for hallucination lines
File location for AI ion laws
File location for locations on the station
BYOND's string procs don't support being used on datum references (as in it doesn't look for a name for stringification) We just use this macro to ensure that we will only pass strings to this BYOND-level function without developers needing to really worry about it.
Standard maptext Prepares a text to be used for maptext. Use this so it doesn't look hideous.
Standard size (ie: normal runechat) - Size options: 6pt 12pt 18pt.
Pixel-perfect scaled fonts for use in the MAP element as defined in skin.dmf
Four sizes to choose from, use the sizes as mentioned below. Between the variations and a step there should be an option that fits your use case. BYOND uses pt sizing, different than px used in TGUI. Using px will make it look blurry due to poor antialiasing.
Default sizes are prefilled in the macro for ease of use and a consistent visual look. To use a step other than the default in the macro, specify it in a span style. For example: MAPTEXT_PIXELLARI("Some large maptext here") Large size (ie: context tooltips) - Size options: 12pt 24pt.
Smallest size. (ie: whisper runechat) - Size options: 6pt 12pt 18pt.
Small size. (ie: context subtooltips, spell delays) - Size options: 12pt 24pt.
Prepares a text to be used for maptext, using a variable size font.
More flexible but doesn't scale pixel perfect to BYOND icon resolutions. (May be blurry.) Can use any size in pt or px.
You MUST Specify the size when using the macro For example: MAPTEXT_VCR_OSD_MONO("Some large maptext here") Prepares a text to be used for maptext, using a variable size font. Variable size font. More flexible but doesn't scale pixel perfect to BYOND icon resolutions. (May be blurry.) Can use any size in pt or px.
File location for mother hallucination lines
File location for ninja lines
File location for pirate names
stuff like copytext(input, length(input))
will trim the last character of the input,
because DM does it so it copies until the char BEFORE the end
arg, so we need to bump end
by 1 in these cases.
File location for redpill questions
Removes characters incompatible with file names.
File location for scar wound descriptions
File loation for title splashes
Folder directory for strings
Removes everything enclose in < and > inclusive of the bracket, and limits the length of the message.
Simply removes the < and > characters, and limits the length of the message.
File location for really dumb suggestions memes
File location for wanted posters messages
Macro from Lummox used to get height from a MeasureText proc. resolves the MeasureText() return value once, then resolves the height, then sets return_var to that.