/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


DREAMLUAU_SET_USRAll of the following functions will return a string if the underlying rust code returns an error or a wrapped panic. The return values specified for each function are what they will return if successful.
DREAMLUAU_SET_EXECUTION_LIMIT_MILLISSets the execution limit, in milliseconds.
DREAMLUAU_SET_EXECUTION_LIMIT_SECSSets the execution limit, in seconds.
DREAMLUAU_CLEAR_EXECUTION_LIMITClears the execution limit, allowing scripts to run as long as they need to.
DREAMLUAU_SET_NEW_WRAPPERSet the wrapper for instancing new datums with dm.new. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the object will be instantiated using the default new instruction.
DREAMLUAU_SET_VAR_GET_WRAPPERSet the wrapper for reading the vars of an object. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the var will be read directly, without any safety checks.
DREAMLUAU_SET_VAR_SET_WRAPPERSet the wrapper for writing the vars of an object. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the var will be modified directly, without any safety checks.
DREAMLUAU_SET_OBJECT_CALL_WRAPPERSet the wrapper for calling a proc on an object. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the proc will be called directly, without any safety checks.
DREAMLUAU_SET_GLOBAL_CALL_WRAPPERSet the wrapper for calling a global proc. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the proc will be called directly, without any safety checks.
DREAMLUAU_SET_PRINT_WRAPPERSet the wrapper for printing with the print function. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, print will raise an error.
DREAMLUAU_NEW_STATECreate a new luau state.
DREAMLUAU_LOADSome of the following functions return values that cannot be cleanly converted from luau to DM. To account for this, these functions also return a list of variant specifiers, equivalent to an array of objects of the type described beloe:
DREAMLUAU_AWAKENAwaken the thread at the front of the specified state's sleeping thread queue.
DREAMLUAU_RESUMEResume one of the state's yielded threads.
DREAMLUAU_CALL_FUNCTIONCall a function accessible from the global table.
DREAMLUAU_GET_GLOBALSObtain a copy of the state's global table, converted to DM.
DREAMLUAU_LIST_THREADSList the names of all sleeping or yielded threads for the state.
DREAMLUAU_COLLECT_GARBAGERun garbage collection on the state.
DREAMLUAU_KILL_SLEEPING_THREADRemove a sleeping thread from the sleep queue, without executing it.
DREAMLUAU_KILL_YIELDED_THREADRemove a yielded thread from the yield table, without executing it.
DREAMLUAU_KILL_STATEDelete a state. The state's handle will be freed for any new states created afterwards.
DREAMLUAU_GET_TRACEBACKRetrieve lua traceback info, containing every lua stack frame between the lua entrypoint and the re-entry to dm code.
DREAMLUAU_CLEAR_REF_USERDATALuau userdata corresponding to a ref-counted DM type counts as a hard reference for BYOND's garbage collector. If you need to delete a DM object, and you cannot be certain that there are no references to it in any luau state, call this function before deleting that object to disassociate it from any userdata in any luau state.

Define Details


Awaken the thread at the front of the specified state's sleeping thread queue.

@param state the handle to the state

@return an associative list containing result information as specified above


Call a function accessible from the global table.

@param state the handle to the state @param function a list of nested indices from the global table to the specified function @param ...arguments arguments to pass to the function

@return an associative list containing result information as specified above


Clears the execution limit, allowing scripts to run as long as they need to.

WARNING: This allows infinite loops to block Dream Daemon indefinitely, with no safety checks. Do not use this if you have no reason for scripts to run arbitrarily long.

@return null on success


Luau userdata corresponding to a ref-counted DM type counts as a hard reference for BYOND's garbage collector. If you need to delete a DM object, and you cannot be certain that there are no references to it in any luau state, call this function before deleting that object to disassociate it from any userdata in any luau state.

Hard deleting an object without clearing userdata corresponding to it leaves the userdata to become associated with the next DM object to receive the old object's reference ID, which may be undesirable behavior.

@param object the object to disassociate from userdata.

@return null on success


Run garbage collection on the state.

This may be necessary to prevent hanging references, as some hard references may persist in unreachable luau objects that would be collected after a garbage collection cycle or two.

@param state the handle to the state

@return null on success


Obtain a copy of the state's global table, converted to DM.

@param state the handle to the state

@return an associative list with the follwing entries:


Retrieve lua traceback info, containing every lua stack frame between the lua entrypoint and the re-entry to dm code.

@param level the level of lua execution to get the traceback for, with 1 being the lua code that executed the dm code that called this function, 2 being the lua code that executed the dm code that executed the lua code that executed the dm code that called this function, etc.

@return the callstack of the specified lua level if valid, null if invalid


Remove a sleeping thread from the sleep queue, without executing it.

@param state the handle to the state @param thread the index in the sleep queue to the target thread

@return null on success


Delete a state. The state's handle will be freed for any new states created afterwards.

@param state the handle to the state

@return null on success


Remove a yielded thread from the yield table, without executing it.

@param state the handle to the state @param thread the index in the yield table to the target thread

@return null on success


List the names of all sleeping or yielded threads for the state.

@param state the handle to the state

@return an associative list with the following entries:


Some of the following functions return values that cannot be cleanly converted from luau to DM. To account for this, these functions also return a list of variant specifiers, equivalent to an array of objects of the type described beloe:

type Variants = {
    key?: "error"|Array<Variants?>
    value?: "error"|Array<Variants?>

The following 4 functions execute luau code and return an associative list containing information about the result. This list has the following params.

Load and execute a luau script.

@param state the handle to the state @param code the source code of the script to run @param name an optional name to give to the script, for debugging purposes

@return an associative list containing result information as specified above


Create a new luau state.

@return a handle to the created state.


Resume one of the state's yielded threads.

@param state the handle to the state @param index the index of the thread in the state's yielded threads list @param ...arguments arguments that will be returned by the coroutine.yield that yielded the thread

@return an associative list containing result information as specified above


Sets the execution limit, in milliseconds.

@param limit the new execution limit

@return null on success


Sets the execution limit, in seconds.

@param limit the new execution limit

@return null on success


Set the wrapper for calling a global proc. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the proc will be called directly, without any safety checks.

The wrapper must be a proc with the signature (procname as text, list/arguments).

@param wrapper the path to the proc to use as the new wrapper

@return null on success


Set the wrapper for instancing new datums with dm.new. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the object will be instantiated using the default new instruction.

The wrapper must be a proc with the signature (type as path, list/arguments).

@param wrapper the path to the proc to use as the new wrapper

@return null on success


Set the wrapper for calling a proc on an object. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the proc will be called directly, without any safety checks.

The wrapper must be a proc with the signature (target, procname as text, list/arguments).

@param wrapper the path to the proc to use as the new wrapper

@return null on success


Set the wrapper for printing with the print function. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, print will raise an error.

The wrapper must be a proc with the signature (list/arguments).

@param wrapper the path to the proc to use as the new wrapper

@return null on success


All of the following functions will return a string if the underlying rust code returns an error or a wrapped panic. The return values specified for each function are what they will return if successful.

As of 515.1631, byondapi does not provide direct access to usr. Use this function to pass usr into the dreamluau binary so that luau scripts can retrieve it.

@return null on success


Set the wrapper for reading the vars of an object. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the var will be read directly, without any safety checks.

The wrapper must be a proc with the signature (target, var).

@param wrapper the path to the proc to use as the new wrapper

@return null on success


Set the wrapper for writing the vars of an object. Clears it if the argument is null. If unset, the var will be modified directly, without any safety checks.

The wrapper must be a proc with the signature (target, var, value).

@param wrapper the path to the proc to use as the new wrapper

@return null on success