/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/proc/create_atmos_zoneCreate an atmos zone (Think ZAS), similiar to [proc/detect_room] but it ignores walls and turfs which are non-[atmos_can_pass]
/proc/get_sorted_areasReturns a sorted version of GLOB.areas, by name
/proc/get_first_open_turf_in_areaIterates over all turfs in the target area and returns the first non-dense one
/proc/mobs_in_area_typeTakes: list of area types Returns: all mobs that are in an area type
/proc/rename_arearename_area Renames an area to the given new name, updating all machines' names and firedoors to properly ensure alarms and machines are named correctly at all times. Args:
/proc/set_area_machinery_titleRenames all machines in a defined area from the old title to the new title. Used when renaming an area to ensure that all machiens are labeled the new area's machine. Args: