FACING_SAME_DIR | Two mobs are facing the same direction |
FACING_EACHOTHER | Two mobs are facing each others |
FACING_INIT_FACING_TARGET_TARGET_FACING_PERPENDICULAR | Two mobs one is facing a person, but the other is perpendicular |
/proc/do_after | Timed action involving one mob user. Target is optional. |
/proc/ishumanbasic | Returns if the given target is a human. Like, a REAL human. Not a moth, not a felinid (which are human subtypes), but a human. |
/proc/active_free_borgs | Silicon Mob Procs |
/proc/get_temp_change_amount | Used to get the amount of change between two body temperatures |
GET_CLIENT | Gets the client of the mob, allowing for mocking of the client. You only need to use this if you know you're going to be mocking clients somewhere else. |
/proc/sort_mobs | Orders mobs by type then by name. Accepts optional arg to sort a custom list, otherwise copies GLOB.mob_list. |
/proc/get_mob_by_ckey | returns a mob type controlled by a specified ckey |
/proc/parse_zone | Return a string for the specified body zone. Should be used for parsing non-instantiated bodyparts, otherwise use /obj/item/bodypart/var/plaintext_zone |
/proc/deprecise_zone | Takes a zone and returns its "parent" zone, if it has one. |
/proc/parse_slot_flags | Returns a list of strings for a given slot flag. |
/proc/check_target_facings | Returns the direction that the initiator and the target are facing |
/proc/get_mob_or_brainmob | Returns the occupant mob or brain from a specified input |
/proc/living_player_count | Returns the amount of currently living players |
/proc/dview | Version of view() which ignores darkness, because BYOND doesn't have it (I actually suggested it but it was tagged redundant, BUT HEARERS IS A T- /rant). |
Define Details
Two mobs are facing each others
Two mobs one is facing a person, but the other is perpendicular
Two mobs are facing the same direction
Gets the client of the mob, allowing for mocking of the client. You only need to use this if you know you're going to be mocking clients somewhere else.