/datum/config_entry/flag/autoadmin | if autoadmin is enabled |
/datum/config_entry/string/autoadmin_rank | the rank given to autoadmins |
/datum/config_entry/string/servername | server name (the name of the game window) |
/datum/config_entry/string/serversqlname | short form server name used for the DB |
/datum/config_entry/string/stationname | station name (the name of the station in-game) |
/datum/config_entry/number/lobby_countdown | Countdown between lobby and the round starting. |
/datum/config_entry/number/round_end_countdown | Post round murder death kill countdown. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/hub | if the game appears on the hub or not |
/datum/config_entry/number/max_hub_pop | Pop requirement for the server to be removed from the hub |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_ooc | log messages sent in OOC |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_access | log login/logout |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_suspicious_login | Config entry which special logging of failed logins under suspicious circumstances. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_say | log client say |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_admin | log admin actions |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_prayer | log prayers |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_internet_request | Log Music Requests |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_silicon | log silicons |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_tools | log usage of tools |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_game | log game events |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_mecha | log mech data |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_virus | log virology data |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_asset | log assets |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_vote | log voting |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_zone_switch | log manual zone switching |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_whisper | log client whisper |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_attack | log attack messages |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_emote | log emotes |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_econ | log economy actions |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_traitor | log traitor objectives |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_adminchat | log admin chat messages |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_pda | log pda messages |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_uplink | log uplink/spellbook/codex ciatrix purchases and refunds |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_telecomms | log telecomms messages |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_speech_indicators | log speech indicators(started/stopped speaking) |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_twitter | log certain expliotable parrots and other such fun things in a JSON file of twitter valid phrases. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_world_topic | log all world.Topic() calls |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_manifest | log crew manifest to separate file |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_job_debug | log roundstart divide occupations debug information to a file |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_shuttle | log shuttle related actions, ie shuttle computers, shuttle manipulator, emergency console |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_timers_on_bucket_reset | logs all timers in buckets on automatic bucket reset (Useful for timer debugging) |
/datum/config_entry/flag/log_as_human_readable | Log human readable versions of json log entries |
/datum/config_entry/flag/allow_admin_ooccolor | allows admins with relevant permissions to have their own ooc colour |
/datum/config_entry/flag/allow_admin_asaycolor | allows admins with relevant permissions to have a personalized asay color |
/datum/config_entry/flag/allow_vote_restart | allow votes to restart |
/datum/config_entry/flag/allow_vote_map | allow votes to change map |
/datum/config_entry/flag/allow_rock_the_vote | allow players to vote to re-do the map vote |
/datum/config_entry/number/max_rocking_votes | the number of times we allow players to rock the vote |
/datum/config_entry/number/vote_delay | minimum time between voting sessions (deciseconds, 10 minute default) |
/datum/config_entry/number/vote_period | length of voting period (deciseconds, default 1 minute) |
/datum/config_entry/flag/default_no_vote | If disabled, non-voters will automatically have their votes added to certain vote options (For example: restart votes will default to "no restart", map votes will default to their preferred map / default map, rocking the vote will default to "no") |
/datum/config_entry/flag/no_dead_vote | Prevents dead people from voting. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/popup_admin_pm | Gives the ability to send players a maptext popup. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/allow_respawn | Determines if a player can respawn after dying. 0 / RESPAWN_FLAG_DISABLED = Cannot respawn (default) 1 / RESPAWN_FLAG_FREE = Can respawn 2 / RESPAWN_FLAG_NEW_CHARACTER = Can respawn if choosing a different character |
/datum/config_entry/number/respawn_delay | Determines how long (in deciseconds) before a player is allowed to respawn. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/use_exp_restrictions_heads | Enables head jobs time restrictions. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/use_exp_restrictions_other | Enables non-head jobs time restrictions. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/panic_bunker_interview | Flag for requiring players who would otherwise be denied access by the panic bunker to complete a written interview |
/datum/config_entry/flag/forbid_preferences_export | Allows players to export their own preferences as a JSON file. Left as a config toggle in case it needs to be turned off due to server-specific needs. |
/datum/config_entry/number/seconds_cooldown_for_preferences_export | The number of seconds a player must wait between preference export attempts. |
/datum/config_entry/flag/secure_chat_commands | validate ownership of admin flags for chat commands |
/datum/config_entry/string/admin_2fa_url | URL for admins to be redirected to for 2FA |