/proc/dyn_explosion | Using default dyn_ex scale: |
/proc/explosion | Makes a given atom explode. |
QUAKE_CREAK_PROB | The probability that a quaking explosion will make the station creak per unit. Maths! |
ECHO_CREAK_PROB | The probability that an echoing explosion will make the station creak per unit. |
CREAK_DELAY | Time taken for the hull to begin to creak after an explosion, if applicable. |
FAR_LOWER | Lower limit for far explosion SFX volume. |
FAR_UPPER | Upper limit for far explosion SFX volume. |
FAR_SOUND_PROB | The probability that a distant explosion SFX will be a far explosion sound rather than an echo. (0-100) |
NEAR_SHAKE_CAP | The upper limit on screenshake amplitude for nearby explosions. |
FAR_SHAKE_CAP | The upper limit on screenshake amplifude for distant explosions. |
NEAR_SHAKE_DURATION | The duration of the screenshake for nearby explosions. |
FAR_SHAKE_DURATION | The duration of the screenshake for distant explosions. |
FREQ_LOWER | The lower limit for the randomly selected hull creaking frequency. |
FREQ_UPPER | The upper limit for the randomly selected hull creaking frequency. |
/proc/prepare_explosion_turfs | Returns a list of turfs in X range from the epicenter Returns in a unique order, spiraling outwards This is done to ensure our progressive cache of blast resistance is always valid This is quite fast |
Define Details
Time taken for the hull to begin to creak after an explosion, if applicable.
The probability that an echoing explosion will make the station creak per unit.
Lower limit for far explosion SFX volume.
The upper limit on screenshake amplifude for distant explosions.
The duration of the screenshake for distant explosions.
The probability that a distant explosion SFX will be a far explosion sound rather than an echo. (0-100)
Upper limit for far explosion SFX volume.
The lower limit for the randomly selected hull creaking frequency.
The upper limit for the randomly selected hull creaking frequency.
The upper limit on screenshake amplitude for nearby explosions.
The duration of the screenshake for nearby explosions.
The probability that a quaking explosion will make the station creak per unit. Maths!