NUMBER_OF_PREGENERATED_ORANGES_EARS | the subsystem creates this many /mob/oranges_ear mob instances during init. allocations that require more than this create more. |
/datum/spatial_grid_cell | used by /datum/controller/subsystem/spatial_grid to cover every z level so that the coordinates of every turf in the world corresponds to one of these in the subsystems list of grid cells by z level. each one of these contains content lists holding all atoms meeting a certain criteria that is in our borders. these datums shouldnt have significant behavior, they should just hold data. the lists are filled and emptied by the subsystem. |
/var/SSspatial_grid | |
BOUNDING_BOX_MIN | the left or bottom side index of a box composed of spatial grid cells with the given actual center x or y coordinate |
BOUNDING_BOX_MAX | the right or upper side index of a box composed of spatial grid cells with the given center x or y coordinate. outputted value cant exceed the number of cells on that axis |
Define Details
the right or upper side index of a box composed of spatial grid cells with the given center x or y coordinate. outputted value cant exceed the number of cells on that axis
the left or bottom side index of a box composed of spatial grid cells with the given actual center x or y coordinate
the subsystem creates this many /mob/oranges_ear mob instances during init. allocations that require more than this create more.