/datum/admin_ai_template | Used to set up a basic AI controller on a mob for admin ease of use |
/datum/admin_ai_template/hostile | Walks at a guy and attacks |
/datum/admin_ai_template/hostile_ranged | Walks away from a guy and attacks |
/datum/admin_ai_template/hostile_ranged/and_melee | Walks at a guy while shooting and attacks |
/datum/admin_ai_template/ability | Maintain distance from a guy and use an ability on cooldown |
/datum/admin_ai_template/ability/melee | Walks at a guy and uses an ability on that guy |
/datum/admin_ai_template/hostile_ranged/ability | Stays away from a guy and uses an ability on that guy |
/datum/admin_ai_template/retaliate | Chill unless you throw hands |
/datum/admin_ai_template/hostile_ranged/ability/retaliate | Shoots anyone who attacks them |
/datum/admin_ai_template/ability/retaliate | Uses their signature move on anyone who attacks them |
/datum/admin_ai_template/grumpy | Who knows what this guy will do, he's a loose cannon |
/datum/admin_ai_template/fearful | Coward |
/datum/admin_ai_template/skittish | Doesn't like violence |
/datum/admin_ai_template/goon | You gottit boss |
/datum/admin_ai_template/reset | Whatever it was doing before we fucked with it (mostly, can't do this with total confidence) |
/datum/admin_ai_template/clear | Like I'm doing nothing at all, nothing at all |