/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/datum/ai_behavior/targeted_mob_abilityAttempts to use a mob's cooldown ability on a target
/datum/ai_behavior/targeted_mob_ability/and_plan_executeAttempts to use a mob's cooldown ability on a target and then move the target into a special target blackboard datum Doesn't need another subtype to clear BB_BASIC_MOB_EXECUTION_TARGET because it will be the target key for the normal action
/datum/ai_behavior/targeted_mob_ability/and_clear_targetAttempts to use a mob's cooldown ability on a target and releases the target when the action completes
/datum/ai_behavior/targeted_mob_ability/min_rangeAttempts to move into the provided range and then use a mob's cooldown ability on a target