/datum/cinematic/nuke | Simple, base cinematic for all animations based around a nuke detonating. |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/ops_victory | The syndicate nuclear bomb was activated, and destroyed the station! |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/ops_miss | The syndicate nuclear bomb was activated, but just barely missed the station! |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/self_destruct | The self destruct, or another station-destroying entity like a blob, destroyed the station! |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/self_destruct_miss | The self destruct was activated, yet somehow avoided destroying the station! |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/mutual_destruction | The syndicate nuclear bomb was activated, and the nuclear operatives failed to extract on their shuttle before it detonated on the station! |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/cult | A blood cult summoned Nar'sie, but central command deployed a nuclear package to stop them. |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/fake | A fake version of the nuclear detonation, where it winds up, but doesn't explode. |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/clown | The clown operative nuclear bomb was activated and clowned the station! |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/no_core | A fake version of the nuclear detonation, where it winds up, but doesn't explode as the nuke core within was missing. |
/datum/cinematic/nuke/far_explosion | The syndicate nuclear bomb was activated, but just missed the station by a whole z-level! |