/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


HEALING_SLEEP_DEFAULTThe damage healed per tick while sleeping without any modifiers
HEALING_SLEEP_ORGAN_MULTIPLIERThe sleep healing multiplier for organ passive healing (since organs heal slowly)
SLEEP_QUALITY_WORKOUT_MULTIPLERThe sleep multiplier for fitness xp conversion
/datum/status_effect/incapacitating/incapacitatedThis status effect represents anything that leaves a character unable to perform basic tasks (interrupting do-afters, for example), but doesn't incapacitate them further than that (no stuns etc..)
/datum/status_effect/teleport_madnessMaddly teleports the victim around all of space for 10 seconds

Define Details


The damage healed per tick while sleeping without any modifiers


The sleep healing multiplier for organ passive healing (since organs heal slowly)


The sleep multiplier for fitness xp conversion