TIPSY_THRESHOLD | The threshld which determine if someone is tipsy vs drunk |
/datum/status_effect/inebriated | The drunk status effect. Slowly decreases in drunk_value over time, causing effects based on that value. |
/datum/status_effect/inebriated/tipsy | Stage 1 of drunk, applied at drunk values between 0 and 6. Basically is the "drunk but no side effects" stage. |
/datum/status_effect/inebriated/drunk | Stage 2 of being drunk, applied at drunk values between 6 and onward. Has all the main side effects of being drunk, scaling up as they get more drunk. |
/atom/movable/screen/alert/status_effect/drunk | Status effect for being fully drunk (not tipsy). |
Define Details
The threshld which determine if someone is tipsy vs drunk