DARKNESS_TERROR_AMOUNT | Amount of terror passively generated (or removed) on every tick based on lighting. |
PANIC_ATTACK_TERROR_AMOUNT | How much terror a random panic attack will give the victim. |
HUG_TERROR_AMOUNT | Amount of terror actively removed (or generated) upon being hugged. |
STACK_TERROR_AMOUNT | Amount of terror caused by subsequent casting of the Terrify spell. |
DARKNESS_TERROR_CAP | The soft cap on how much passively generated terror you can have. Takes about 30 seconds to reach without the victim being actively terrorized. |
TERROR_FEAR_THRESHOLD | The terror_buildup threshold for minor fear effects to occur. |
TERROR_PANIC_THRESHOLD | The terror_buildup threshold for the more serious effects. Takes about 20 seconds of darkness buildup to reach. |
TERROR_HEART_ATTACK_THRESHOLD | Terror buildup will cause a heart attack and knock them out, removing the status effect. |
/atom/movable/screen/alert/status_effect/terrified | The status effect popup for the terror status effect |
Define Details
Amount of terror passively generated (or removed) on every tick based on lighting.
The soft cap on how much passively generated terror you can have. Takes about 30 seconds to reach without the victim being actively terrorized.
Amount of terror actively removed (or generated) upon being hugged.
How much terror a random panic attack will give the victim.
Amount of terror caused by subsequent casting of the Terrify spell.
The terror_buildup threshold for minor fear effects to occur.
Terror buildup will cause a heart attack and knock them out, removing the status effect.
The terror_buildup threshold for the more serious effects. Takes about 20 seconds of darkness buildup to reach.