/datum/voice_of_god_command | Voice of god command datums that are used in [/proc/voice_of_god()] |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/knockdown | This command knocks the listeners down. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/immobilize | This command stops the listeners from moving. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/vomit | This command makes carbon listeners throw up like Mr. Creosote. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/silence | This command silences the listeners. Thrice as effective is the user is a mime or curator. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/hallucinate | This command makes the listeners see others as corgis, carps, skellies etcetera etcetera. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/wake_up | This command wakes up the listeners. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/heal | This command heals the listeners for 10 points of total damage. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/brute | This command applies 15 points of brute damage to the listeners. There's subtle theological irony in this being more powerful than healing. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/bleed | This command makes carbon listeners bleed from a random body part. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/burn | This command sets the listeners ablaze. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/hot | This command heats the listeners up like boiling water. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/cold | This command cools the listeners down like freezing water. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/repulse | This command throws the listeners away from the user. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/attract | This command throws the listeners at the user. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/who_are_you | This command forces the listeners to say their true name (so masks and hoods won't help). Basic and simple mobs who are forced to state their name and don't have one already will... reveal their actual one! |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/say_my_name | This command forces the listeners to say the user's name |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/knock_knock | This command forces the listeners to say "Who's there?". |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/state_laws | This command forces silicon listeners to state all their laws. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/move | This command forces the listeners to take step in a direction chosen by the user, otherwise a random cardinal one. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/walk | This command forces the listeners to switch to walk intent. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/run | This command forces the listeners to switch to run intent. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/throw_catch | This command turns the listeners' throw mode on. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/speak | This command forces the listeners to say a brain damage line. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/getup | This command forces the listeners to get the fuck up, resetting all stuns. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/sit | This command forces each listener to buckle to a chair found on the same tile. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/stand | This command forces each listener to unbuckle from whatever they are buckled to. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/jump | This command forces the listener to do the jump emote 3/4 of the times or reply "HOW HIGH?!!". |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/honk | This command plays a bikehorn sound after 2 seconds and a half have passed, and also slips listeners if the user is a clown. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/multispin | This command spins the listeners 1800° degrees clockwise. |
/datum/voice_of_god_command/emote | Supertype of all those commands that make people emote and nothing else. Fuck copypasta. |