/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/obj/machinery/camera/autoname/deconstructedDeconstructed Camera Used by wallmounted cameras, starts off deconstructed and requires building by a player.
/obj/machinery/camera/emp_proofEMP Proof Starts off with the EMP protection upgrade, and can't start unactivated.
/obj/machinery/camera/xrayX-Ray Cameras Starts off with x-ray, and can't start deactivated.
/obj/machinery/camera/motionMotion camera Starts off with the motion detector and can't be disablede on roundstart.
/obj/machinery/camera/allAll camera Has all upgrades by default, can't be disabled roundstart.
/obj/machinery/camera/autonameAutonaming camera Automatically names itself after the area it's in during post_machine_initialize, good for mappers who don't want to manually name them all.
/obj/machinery/camera/preset/ordnanceBomb preset Can't be disabled, sees further, doesn't cost power, can be seen by ordnance cameras, and is indestructible (so bomb-proof).
/obj/machinery/camera/exosuitThe internal camera object for exosuits, applied by the camera upgrade