/datum/status_effect/organ_set_bonus/fish | bonus of the observing gondola: you can ignore environmental hazards |
/obj/item/organ/tail/fish | Tail for fish DNA-infused spacemen. It provides a speed buff while in water. It's also needed for the crawl speed bonus once the threshold is reached. |
/obj/item/organ/lungs/fish | Lungs that replace the need of oxygen with water vapor or being wet |
/obj/item/organ/lungs/fish/amphibious | Subtype of gills that allow the mob to optionally breathe water. |
/obj/item/organ/stomach/fish | Fish infuser organ, allows mobs to safely eat raw fish. |
/obj/item/organ/tongue/inky | Organ from fish with the ink production trait. Doesn't count toward the organ set bonus but is buffed once it's active. |
/obj/item/organ/liver/fish | Organ from fish with the toxic trait. Allows the user to use tetrodotoxin as a healing chem instead of a toxin. |