IV_TAKING | IV drip operation mode when it sucks blood from the object |
IV_INJECTING | IV drip operation mode when it injects reagents into the object |
IV_TRANSFER_RATE_STEP | What the transfer rate value is rounded to |
MIN_IV_TRANSFER_RATE | Minimum possible IV drip transfer rate in units per second |
MAX_IV_TRANSFER_RATE | Maximum possible IV drip transfer rate in units per second |
DEFAULT_IV_TRANSFER_RATE | Default IV drip transfer rate in units per second |
/obj/machinery/iv_drip | Universal IV that can drain blood or feed reagents over a period of time from or to a replaceable container |
/datum/iv_drip_attachment | Information and effects about where an IV drip is attached to |
Define Details
Default IV drip transfer rate in units per second
IV drip operation mode when it injects reagents into the object
IV drip operation mode when it sucks blood from the object
What the transfer rate value is rounded to
Maximum possible IV drip transfer rate in units per second
Minimum possible IV drip transfer rate in units per second