/obj/machinery/nebula_shielding | Machinery that block nebulas. This type is for convenience, you can set nebula shielding on other objects as well using add_to_nebula_shielding() |
/obj/machinery/nebula_shielding/emergency | Short-lived nebula shielding sent by centcom in-case there hasn't been shielding for a while |
/obj/machinery/nebula_shielding/radiation | We shield against the radioactive nebula and passively generate tritium |
/obj/machinery/nebula_shielding/emergency/radiation | Emergency shielding so people aren't permanently in a radstorm if shit goes very wrong in engineering |
/obj/item/paper/fluff/radiation_nebula | Small explanation for engineering on how to set-up the radioactive nebula shielding |
/obj/item/paper/fluff/radiation_nebula_virologist | Warns medical that they can't use radioactive resonance |