/obj/machinery/status_display | Status display which can show images and scrolling text. |
/obj/effect/overlay/status_display_text | Nice overlay to make text smoothly scroll with no client updates after setup. |
/obj/machinery/status_display/evac | Evac display which shows shuttle timer or message set by Command. |
/obj/machinery/status_display/supply | Supply display which shows the status of the supply shuttle. |
/obj/machinery/status_display/shuttle | General-purpose shuttle status display. |
/obj/machinery/status_display/ai | Pictograph display which the AI can use to emote. |
/obj/effect/abstract/greenscreen_location_indicator | Used to indicate where the greenscreen is recording |
/obj/effect/abstract/greenscreen_appearance_holder | Basically exists to hold an appearance that we can slot into vis_contents |
/obj/effect/abstract/greenscreen_display | Basically exists to compile a list of appearances to display to all status displays |
/obj/machinery/greenscreen_camera | A stationary object which "records" anyone who is in front of it and broadcasts them to all status displays |