/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


AREA_STATIONThe area is a "Station" area, showing no special text.
AREA_OUTDOORSThe area is in outdoors (lavaland/icemoon/jungle/space), therefore unclaimed territories.
AREA_SPECIALThe area is special (shuttles/centcom), therefore can't be claimed.
LEGEND_VIEWING_LISTThe blueprints are currently reading the list of all wire datums.
LEGEND_OFFThe blueprints are on the main page.
/obj/item/blueprintsBlueprints Used to see the wires of machines on the station, the roundstart layout of pipes/cables/tubes, as well as allowing you to rename existing areas and create new ones. Used by the station, cyborgs, and golems.
/obj/item/blueprints/cyborgCyborg blueprints - The same as regular but with a different fluff text.
/obj/item/blueprints/golemGolem blueprints - Used to make golem areas that won't give the hazardous area debuffs.
/obj/item/blueprints/slimeSlime blueprints - Makes areas colored and compatible with xenobiology camera consoles, one time use.

Define Details


The area is in outdoors (lavaland/icemoon/jungle/space), therefore unclaimed territories.


The area is special (shuttles/centcom), therefore can't be claimed.


The area is a "Station" area, showing no special text.


The blueprints are on the main page.


The blueprints are currently reading the list of all wire datums.