/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/obj/item/food/fishmeat/carp/no_toxcarp fillet, but without the toxin. Used by baby carps (fish item), which have a trait that handles the toxin already.
/obj/item/food/fishmeat/gunner_jellyfish/supplyPremade gunner jellyfish fillets from supply orders. Contains the halluginogen that'd be normally from the fish trait.
/obj/item/food/fishmeat/donkfishdonkfish fillets. The yuck reagent is now added by the fish trait of the same name.
/obj/item/food/tempehMEATS AND ALIKE
/obj/item/food/patty/plainExists purely for the crafting recipe (because it'll take subtypes)
/obj/item/food/nugget/fishsubtype harvested from fish caught from, you guess it, the deepfryer
/obj/item/food/kebabKEBABS AND OTHER SKEWERS