/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


/datum/heretic_knowledgeThe datums that allow heretics to progress and learn new spells and rituals.
/datum/heretic_knowledge/spellA knowledge subtype that grants the heretic a certain spell.
/datum/heretic_knowledge/limited_amountA knowledge subtype for knowledge that can only have a limited amount of its resulting atoms created at once.
/datum/heretic_knowledge/limited_amount/startingA knowledge subtype for limited_amount knowledge used for base knowledge (the ones that make blades)
/datum/heretic_knowledge/markA knowledge subtype for heretic knowledge that applies a mark on use.
/datum/heretic_knowledge/blade_upgradeA knowledge subtype for heretic knowledge that upgrades their sickly blade, either on melee or range.
/datum/heretic_knowledge/curseA knowledge subtype lets the heretic curse someone with a ritual.
/datum/heretic_knowledge/summonA knowledge subtype lets the heretic summon a monster with the ritual.
KNOWLEDGE_RITUAL_POINTSThe amount of knowledge points the knowledge ritual gives on success.
/datum/heretic_knowledge/knowledge_ritualA subtype of knowledge that generates random ritual components.
/datum/heretic_knowledge/ultimateThe special final tier of knowledges that unlocks ASCENSION.

Define Details


The amount of knowledge points the knowledge ritual gives on success.