/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


IMMORTAL_PRE_ACTIVATION_TIMEAmount of time to wait after someone dies to steal their body from their killers
IMMORTAL_RESURRECT_TIMEAmount of time it takes a mob to return to the living world
/datum/grand_finale/immortalityNobody will ever die ever again Or if they do, they will be back
/datum/human_appearance_profileStore of data we use to recreate someone who was gibbed, like a simplified version of changeling profiles
/obj/effect/spectre_of_resurrectionA ghostly image of a mob showing where and what is going to respawn
/obj/effect/spectre_of_resurrection/humanA ressurection spectre with extra behaviour for humans
/obj/effect/temp_visual/immortality_blastVisual flair on the wizard when cast
/obj/effect/temp_visual/immortality_pulseVisual flair on living creatures who have become immortal

Define Details


Amount of time to wait after someone dies to steal their body from their killers


Amount of time it takes a mob to return to the living world