/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/obj/item/bitrunning_diskBitrunning tech disks which let you load items or programs into the vdom on first avatar generation. For the record: Balance shouldn't be a primary concern. You can make the custom cheese spells you've always wanted. Just make it fun and engaging, it's PvE content.
/obj/item/bitrunning_disk/ability/tier1Tier 1 programs. Simple, funny, or helpful.
/obj/item/bitrunning_disk/ability/tier2Tier 2 programs. More complex, powerful, or useful.
/obj/item/bitrunning_disk/ability/tier3Tier 3 abilities. Very powerful, game breaking.
/obj/item/bitrunning_disk/item/tier1Tier 1 items. Simple, funny, or helpful.
/obj/item/bitrunning_disk/item/tier2Tier 2 items. More complex, powerful, or useful.
/obj/item/bitrunning_disk/item/tier3Tier 3 items. Very powerful, game breaking.