/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/obj/machinery/ctfBase CTF machines, if spawned in creates a CTF game with the provided game_id unless one already exists. If one exists associates itself with it.
/obj/machinery/ctf/spawnerA spawn point for CTF, ghosts can interact with this to vote for CTF or spawn in if a game is running.
/obj/item/ctf_flagA flag used for the CTF minigame.
/obj/machinery/ctf/control_pointControl point used for CTF for king of the hill or control point game modes. Teams need to maintain control of the point for a set time to win.
/obj/structure/trap/ctfA trap that when stepped on kills anyone who is not part of the associated CTF team.
/obj/structure/barricade/security/ctfA type of barricade that can be destroyed by CTF weapons and respawns at the end of CTF matches.
/proc/toggle_id_ctf Proc that handles toggling and unloading CTF.
/proc/is_ctf_target Proc that identifies if something is a valid target for CTF related checks, checks if an object is a ctf barrier or has ctf component if they are a player.