/datum/client_colour | Client Colour Priority System By RemieRichards (then refactored by another contributor) A System that gives finer control over which client.colour value to display on screen so that the "highest priority" one is always displayed as opposed to the default of "whichever was set last is displayed". |
MIX_CLIENT_COLOUR | Gets the resulting colour/tone from client_colours. In the case of multiple colours, they'll be converted to RGBA matrices for compatibility, summed together, and then each element divided by the number of matrices. (except we do this with lists because byond) target is the target variable. |
/datum/client_colour/halloween_helmet | A client colour that makes the screen look a bit more grungy, halloweenesque even. |
Define Details
Gets the resulting colour/tone from client_colours. In the case of multiple colours, they'll be converted to RGBA matrices for compatibility, summed together, and then each element divided by the number of matrices. (except we do this with lists because byond) target is the target variable.