PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT | The default priority level |
PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_SPECIES | The priority at which species runs, needed for external organs to apply properly. |
PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_BODYPARTS | Some preferences get applied directly to bodyparts (anything head_flags related right now). These must apply after species, as species gaining might replace the bodyparts of the human. |
PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_GENDER | The priority at which gender is determined, needed for proper randomization. |
PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_BODY_TYPE | The priority at which body type is decided, applied after gender so we can support the "use gender" option. |
PREFERENCE_PRORITY_LATE_BODY_TYPE | Used for preferences that rely on body setup being finalized. |
PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_LOADOUT | Equpping items based on preferences. Should happen after species and body type to make sure it looks right. Mostly redundant, but a safety net for saving/loading. |
PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_NAMES | The priority at which names are decided, needed for proper randomization. |
PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_NAME_MODIFICATIONS | Preferences that aren't names, but change the name changes set by PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_NAMES. |
MAX_PREFERENCE_PRIORITY | The maximum preference priority, keep this updated, but don't use it for priority . |
CHOICED_PREFERENCE_DISPLAY_NAMES | For choiced preferences, this key will be used to set display names in constant data. |
SUPPLEMENTAL_FEATURE_KEY | For main feature preferences, this key refers to a feature considered supplemental. For instance, hair color being supplemental to hair. |
/proc/get_preferences_in_priority_order | Returns a flat list of preferences in order of their priority |
/datum/preference | Represents an individual preference. |
/datum/preference/choiced | A preference that is a choice of one option among a fixed set. Used for preferences such as clothing. |
/datum/preference/color | A preference that represents an RGB color of something. Will give the value as 6 hex digits, without a hash. |
/datum/preference/numeric | A numeric preference with a minimum and maximum value |
/datum/preference/toggle | A preference whose value is always TRUE or FALSE |
/datum/preference/text | A string-based preference accepting arbitrary string values entered by the user, with a maximum length. |
Define Details
For choiced preferences, this key will be used to set display names in constant data.
The maximum preference priority, keep this updated, but don't use it for priority
Some preferences get applied directly to bodyparts (anything head_flags related right now). These must apply after species, as species gaining might replace the bodyparts of the human.
The priority at which body type is decided, applied after gender so we can support the "use gender" option.
The default priority level
The priority at which gender is determined, needed for proper randomization.
Equpping items based on preferences. Should happen after species and body type to make sure it looks right. Mostly redundant, but a safety net for saving/loading.
The priority at which names are decided, needed for proper randomization.
Preferences that aren't names, but change the name changes set by PREFERENCE_PRIORITY_NAMES.
The priority at which species runs, needed for external organs to apply properly.
Used for preferences that rely on body setup being finalized.
For main feature preferences, this key refers to a feature considered supplemental. For instance, hair color being supplemental to hair.