FISH_TARGET_MIN_DISTANCE | Any lower than this, and the target position of the fish is considered null |
FISH_FRICTION_MULT | The friction applied to fish jumps, so that it decelerates over time |
FISH_SHORT_JUMP_MIN_DISTANCE | Used to decide whether the fish can jump in a certain direction |
FISH_SHORT_JUMP_MAX_DISTANCE | The maximum distance for a short jump |
/datum/fish_movement | Fish movements are simple datums, generated by the fishing minigame, that represent how the fish moves suring the minigame. |
/datum/fish_movement/slow | Generic fish movement datum that only performs slow, uninterrupted long jumps |
/datum/fish_movement/zippy | Generic fish movement datum with triple the short jump chance. |
/datum/fish_movement/accelerando | fish movement datum that progressively gets faster until acceleration and velocity are double the starting ones. |
/datum/fish_movement/choppy | Fish movement datum that updates the fish position twice per second. |
/datum/fish_movement/plunger | Fish movement datum that weakly pushes the fish up and then down with greater force once it reaches the top of the minigame. |
Define Details
The friction applied to fish jumps, so that it decelerates over time
The maximum distance for a short jump
Used to decide whether the fish can jump in a certain direction
Any lower than this, and the target position of the fish is considered null