/tg/ Station 13 - Modules - Types


/datum/reagent/consumable/nutriment/soupAbstract parent for soup reagents. These are the majority result from soup recipes, but bear in mind it will(should) have other reagents along side it.
/obj/item/reagent_containers/cup/bowl/soupThis subtype is only for easy mapping / spawning in specific types of soup. Do not use it anywhere else.
/datum/glass_style/has_foodtype/soup/watery_soupThis style runs dual purpose - Primarily it's just a bowl style for water, but secondarily it lets chefs know if their soup had too much water in it
/datum/chemical_reaction/food/soup/customSo this one's kind of a "failed" result, but also a "custom" result Getting to this temperature and having no other soup reaction made means you're either messing something up or you simply aren't following a recipe. So it'll just combine