/obj/effect/mapping_error | Used for marking mapping errors. These should only be created by cases explicitly caught by unit tests, and should NEVER actually appear in production. |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/atom_injector | Helpers used for injecting stuff into atoms on the map. |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/atom_injector/component_injector | This helper applies components to things on the map directly. |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/atom_injector/element_injector | This helper applies elements to things on the map directly. |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/atom_injector/trait_injector | This helper applies traits to things on the map directly. |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/atom_injector/human_icon_injector | This helper applies dynamic human icons to things on the map |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/atom_injector/custom_icon | Fetches an external dmi and applies to the target object |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/atom_injector/custom_sound | Fetches an external sound and applies to the target object |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/trapdoor_placer | |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/broken_machine | Applies BROKEN flag to the first found machine on a tile |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/damaged_window | Deals random damage to the first window found on a tile to appear cracked |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/bombable_wall | Apply to a wall (or floor, technically) to ensure it is instantly destroyed by any explosion, even if usually invulnerable |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/mob_buckler | this helper buckles all mobs on the tile to the first buckleable object |
/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/basic_mob_flags | Basic mob flag helpers for things like deleting on death. |